I am interested in....Horses, boys, wolves, hot anime guys,boys, yaoi, my friends lives, and boys.
I think I would like to meet....dude who plays Frodo (yeah I know his name just can't spell it to save my freaking life) any supper sexy anime guy, Stephanie's future husband Ashton Kutcher, Johnny Depp, and Orlando Bloom.
I love country and techno.
My favorite movies are Old Yeller, and Lord of the Rings
My favorite tv shows are Inuyasha, FMA, Deathnote, Blood Plus, and most any anime out there, expecially yaoi. And if it isn't yaoi, Stephanie and I make it yaoiful. lol. :)
I love manga books, Harry Potter, pretty much anything fantacy, and romantic books.
My heroes are.... my dad, friends, and my other family(s).