Hanging out with my kids, going to the beach, shopping for my kids, acting goofy with my kids, my kids, my kids. (I'm truly blessed and in LOVE with them.;) my kids, my kids, my kids.......DON DOKKEN..........DON DOKKEN ................. DON DOKKEN........80's bands (man those guys were hot......)Shopping Ebay/ DON DOKKEN Auction..................I'm anal about punctuation, and grammar go figure.
DON DOKKEN, he to me is the only reason "80"s music survived, he is a pioneer, and everyone back then copied his style, (It's true just read the California Trades magazines from the 80's) also he looks better without all that makeup; blah.He's the only rocker who could pull off looking that HOT in a black hat, leather pants and his beautiful long brown hair, soaking wet, lol. in my dreams don, in my dreams. (He's a metal god).Favorite: video's IN MY DREAMS/HEAVEN SENT/BREAKING THE CHAINS***********BURNING LIKE A FLAME/INTO THE FIRE......MIRROR, MIRROR, STAY........ ANYTHING DOKKEN.I have very few wishes in life :1. My family stays healthy and safe.2. Don Dokken in Concert, (did that; wish one accomplished);get him to autograph my portrait tattoo of him, (it's goregeous just like him) still working on this wish; hopefully, get a picture with him, that could be posted on his website. (still working on this wish).3. To meet Don Dokken, IN MY DREAMS.........(WELL DOES TALING TO HIM ON THE PHONE COUNT)? (IT SURE DOES).4. Actually had the opportunity to speak w/ Don on the Rockline show out of California, he was amazing to speak to (all around nice guy) and is now aware that I am sporting his tattoo all around my hometown, that's another wish accomplished.5. Going to see Don again, (God it's been a good year) in July hopefully, I can talk to him again, what a goregeous man......... 6. Well I saw Don again he was amazing, got some great shots of him on my picture phone, AND GO FIGURE: Sebastian Bach's Bass Player waved to me all nite, GREAT.... I'm not into Sebastian Bach, geez louise...... I only ROK w/DOK.
DON DOKKENditto, ditto, etc etc etc(ya know) if I wanted to I could fill this whole space with Don Dokkens name....... (If I wanted to.....) lol
Anything "80s" mostly comedies. The Corey's, Robert Downey, Matt Broedrick, Andrew McCarthy, Brat Pack....... The Adams Family Movies, National Lampoons Movies w/ Chevy Chase,;(Interview w/a Vampire); Edward ScissorHands.......(70's) The Monsters, Herman's a crack up..... Adams Family of this time; truly goth for this era.
These days consists of Nickelodeon, Disney etc. I haven't watched REAL TV in I don't know how long. VH1 80's Metal Band Specials/ Go DON DOKKEN
No time.............................. are you kidding me i have 2 kids................................Well maybe once a month Better Homes and Gardens lol
My Dad he is awesome the best dad in the world, at least to me; hope he lives forever........ love ya dad......