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I am here for Friends

About Me

I think that drinking constantly and talking to everyone that you meet on the bus are the keys to life. Stay educated. Watch the way birds fly. If you think that something is wrong there probably is. If I ever found a magic rock I'd sell it because I couldn't deal with that big of a responsibility.My wife Nicole has been on this Myspace place for a couple of weeks now. She seems really entertained by the whole ordeal so I thought I would be a bandwagoneer and dig my typing fingers into the cyberpudding.-Mr. Post

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

other likeminded post modern beats. cats with a taste for strange days and lazing around the empty grafittied pool...


stooges, velvet underground, the who, stones, ccr, neil young, bruce springsteen, bob dylan, hank williams (grandpa), johnny cash, david bowie, damned, clash, ramones, black flag, sonic youth, the replacements, silver jews, sebadoh, other indie crap, punk crap, skinny puppy, bauhaus, joy division, eno, talking heads, blondie other new wave crap, nirvana, mudhoney, minor threat, the germs, the pixies, who the fuck cares?


blade runner, mad max trilogy, evil dead trilogy, dark city, the crow, rebel without a cause, the godfather, alien trilogy, tank girl, city of lost children, harmony carin movies, kevin fucking smith films, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I'm writing a worthy sequel), seventh seal, vampire hunter D, donnie darko, robin hood (the disney one), excalibur (1980 UK), platoon, wierd science, fast times at ridgemont high, the jerk, parenthood, bill and ted movies (why isn't there a third one?) night of the living dead, return of the living dead (O'bannon's spoof), superman, batman, spiderman


99.9999% sucks but... Letterman will always be the man! the news is important. seinfeld reruns. simpsons reruns. that 70s show. SNL is funny sometimes if you do drugs and drink alot. What's the deal with all of these lame ass cop shows?!


DEAD DRIVE CARS, Notes From The Underground, The Stranger, The Bible, Tropic Of Cancer, Tropic Of Capricorn, Black Spring, Post Office, The Rum Diary, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, On The Road, Desolation Angels, Lolita, Junky, Naked Lunch, All Richard Brautigan works, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Still Life With Woodpecker, Animal Farm, The City and The Stars, Steppenwolf, the fucking dictionary


paul westerberg. bruce springsteen. johnny cash. david bowie. joe strummer. jack kerouak. henry miller. charles bukowski. my dad.

My Blog

i live in a sesspool

well, god there is nothing wrong with me really. i just can't pick my chin up off the floor. maybe its all this damn snow. i got fired from my stupid coffee shop job. no reason. fuck it all.
Posted by Josh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

gourds make terrific music

well well. i suppose i should write something. it has been awhile. the summertime doldrums have passed and i'm ready for a super rad october. it truly is the best season. all the vampires, and ...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

all i have to eat are noodles

thank god there were a few packets of soy sauce from the last chinese food delivery. i just finished eating. it was not delicious. i am still hungry. i will drink water. there is no alcohol. hen...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

summer is only pleasant when it is raining.

so far i've hated the weather this summer. heat is crap. it makes me want to sleep all day. thank god there was a breeze today. i'm so fucking happy i've already started to drink and it's only five...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST