we've conquored this world in many ways together. for that i am thankful. mahalkita jill. REST IN PEACE.
thank you for bringing me back for a temp. time, ive come to learn that life and death is a dividing point but never a justification. a lifetime of memories with you, now another lifetime without you. learning to live my life half empty but fully.
for those that dont know me but want to be up in my mix, let me bust a cwalk and walk this shit out on your face... there aint shit to see here. crazy-fun-out-of-control-conservative. let me be the constant reminder to all "fuck everybody, i am every-O-N-E"!
TOP PEOPLE if im on your top, you are definately on mine. love YOU lots.
save me if you love me. or hate me. that way it'll be easier to spy on each others pages. HA!
"other people's happiness is other people's pain."
28 years old
United States
Last Login: 09/22/2008
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