rais3 in tha city of gard3na yungon3" was always a big music fan,, and had alot of influenc3s in tha rap gam3,, so from th3ir h3 want3d 2 start rapping which cam3 about at tha ag3 of 14. From th3r3 on out yungon3" kn3w what h3 want3d to do,, want3d 2 b3com3 a rapp3r. Not just a rapp3r thats all talk,, a rapp3r who has tha tal3nt to mak3 a song about anything n mak3 it a hit. Yung on3" plans to k33p doing what he is doing and look forward to g3tting a r3cord d3al. Whil3 in highschool h3 was introduce to a dud3 nam3 "Y.G." who is a artist/producer. Onc3 spitting for y.g.,, h3 want3d 2 do som3 trackz N from d3r3 on th3y b3cam3 cool. Th3y did som3 tracks and th3y cam3 0ut succ3ssful. So th3y thought of a id3a ab0ut starting th3ir own entertainm3nt that cons3nt of rapp3rs and sing3rs call3d "NEXT LEVEL"
y0u w0uld lik3 t0 d0 a collab0rati0n 0r any 0th3r busin3ss pr0j3ctz,, hit m3 up..
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