Theres always more to the story. Theres always something your not hearing. We choose carefully. Everything has a purpose.
The Math met Big Fish in the year 2000, when he was forced to move closer to work having lost his driving license. From this we can see that everything happens for a reason and that good things can happen from bad situations. Living 2 doors down like Dolly Parton the pair quickly became good mates. The two were a generation apart and from opposite ends of the social spectrum but seemed to click having the same qualities, morals and love for the funk.
Big Fish was already heavily into music creation being 6 years older, and primarily introduced the art to The Math. The Math was just beginning to write raps at this stage and dabble around with Reason 2.0. After a while The Math moved into the sweatshop and things got underway. Mainly using Acid 4, Sound Forge 5, a crate of wax, a turntable and a zoom drum machine the pair started making music. Today the pair are till working as a team but with much better tools and each having their own studio's. We are now using M-Powered PT 7.x, project mix consoles, 20" IMac, Toshiba laptop, KRK monitors, Vestax and 1200 tt's, many crates of wax, Ibanez bass guitar, Micro Korg, MPC 2500 and 4 keen ears.
The purpose of this site is to allow us to bring our friends and fellow musicians a taste of what we like to do on the side of Hip Hop. Hope you enjoy.1