Day dream believers...People who will sit under blossomed trees and laugh with me...People who will hold hands just to hold hands...People who know the true value of friendship bracelets pictures and letters... People who will never settle...People who will go to experience adventures, not to just say that they've been
If I can sing along to it, if I can scream along to it, if I can relax with it, or cry with it or laugh at it or creatre from it... then I listen to it.
The Warriors, Dirty Dancing, Bugsy Malone, Karate Kid and High School Musical (yes I really do, and I don't care...!)
Talk shows with great guests, Hollyoaks, American comedies like Scrubs, The Simpsons, Friends etc, Reality TV where the people are learning a skill (Hells Kitchen, The Apprentice, Next Top Model) I think I have the tv on more now I have my own wee flat... I need some noise and craziness in the background!
Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse- It opened my eyes. Haroun and the Sea of Stories - fantabulous Chicken Soup for the Soul - to make me feel ok.
of the chocolate variety? Love them!