My interests include, but are not limited to dancing in the rain, reading on my deck, singing in the car (or shower), cooking italian food, spicy food, seafood, and I can make some kick ass burgers. I love to go shopping with other people that love to go shopping. Casey Sulivan might be my favorite shopping partner because we share the same appreciation for fashion and same daring style. Also I know she can handle an entire day long trip to Gabes. (With a break for some Taco Bell, of course)I watch All My Children on Soapnet with my mom. Not because I like the show (ok, so I do a little bit) but I like to spend a quality hour relaxing with my mom. I like to do hair and make-up, I find it to be a useful outlet for my creativity. I love swimming in the ocean. I used to be extremely afraid of the waves until a few summers ago, and now I love them. If there's a swell it's such a rush trying to time it just right so that you can run in and dive under the wave before it crashes down and throws you back onto the shore, getting out is even more of a thrill. Relaxing on a towel in the sun afterward, wearing a big pair of shades and reading the latest Cosmo or good book, is always nice. I also love to travel. I find big cities with tall buildings, tons of traffic, people everywhere, bright lights, and loud sounds very exciting. Chicago may be one of my favorites. D.C. is also a blast, by either day or night. However, I don't think I have ever made it back home with out getting lost. There is also something to be said about the middle of nowhere, the trees, fresh air, the sound of birds, bugs and the occasional car driving down a dirt road, the stars on clear night. Being able to lay out in the sun naked. (which I can't do here...) I thoroughly enjoy sleeping. I love dancing, I dance all the time around the house, in the car, and in dressing rooms when I'm trying on new clothes (gotta make sure they're danceable) I like going to clubs, but if they're crowded I prefer the VIP lounge because I am there to dance, not have my ass grabbed or have strange groin rubbing up against me, I don't hesitate to slap these men in the face. Really hard. (not always a good plan when clubbing in DC) My favorite guilty pleasure is Coldstone Creamery, if you have never had birthday cake remix find you nearest coldstone and get some immediately. My dog, Lola, is by far the best thing I have ever owned. Although I don't really own her, she owns me. This is her world, I just live it in. I love her with all my heart and soul, she is the cutest, funniest, weirdest, cuddliest, most playful puppy I've ever seen. She always knows when I am sad and always makes me feel better. I love her to pieces. I like watching movies and I like every kind of movie there is, from foriegn films, independent films and documentaries, to romantic chick flicks and stupid humor, I also appreciate a good thriller or tear-jerking drama. There is one genere that I will pass on... porn. No thanks. I've seen as much as I want to see of Jenna Jameson on the posters hanging up in the apartments of my male friends who are in desperate need of an interior decorator. There are all kinds of things that interest me... but I think my "interests" section is long enough for now.
I pretty much love all music, except Metalica. Some of my favorites are: Jack Johnson, Rascal Flatts, Pearl Jam, Yellowcard, Nsync, subcatecory: Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, (I know I know) Alanis Morrisette, Sean Paul, Citizen Cope, Lil Wayne, G-love, Tom Petty, Anything from the 60s and 70s, I love Ludacris, T.I., The Pussycat Dolls, Faith Hill, Jonny Cash, T-payne, I can rock out to anything, classic rock, rap, oldies, techno, eighties, mainstream pop, alternative, My basic rule is don't listen to anything my brother Robert listens to. Freakin Japanese rock and roll? What the hell?
Way too many to list
Nip/Tuck, The OC, Six Feet Under, The Real World, Sex in the City, The Daily Show, The Family Guy, Aqua Teen, and 12 oz mouse
To Kill a Mockingbird and The Little Prince are all time faves, Flowers for Algernon, The Lovely Bones, Brave New World, The Devil Wears Prada, Born On a Rotten Day
My mother and Santa.