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Blaster Dallas

Bored with his own line, Warhol later went on to say: In 15 minutes, everyone will be famous.

About Me

Monsters are such interesting people! Why I’ll bet they lead such interesting lives! The things you must see and the things you must do! My stars!What if happiness does not depend on getting what you want?I'm the personal concierge/editor/encyclopedia of most of my friends. Per "The Tipping Point" I'm a connector-maven. I know the best skin cream, the mating habits of rhinos, and the 6-letter word for the NYT Sunday puzzle. (BTW-Mr. Shortz is great!). I'm the sex therapist for my friends on where to find, how to do, is that possible.Just doing the dance between the serpent and the spirit. The spirit is the high road, but the serpent is easier though hurts like hell. I just hope I can look dewy fresh while roasting. I just learned yesterday that I'm a possibility assassin. I'm grateful to my friends for pointing it out, but I'm not sure how to fix I killed them.I like people who know the reference of my quote, who know stupid minutiae like the name of the monster Bugs Bunny manicured (Gossamer), who can understand what a Sisyphean task is, that Occum's Razor doesn't shave, and to bet on the Pascal's Wager. I'm trying to get off the hedonic treadmill, or end the desire to get on it. A year and a half ago, I was in Paris, where I finally felt like I was enough, but now I'm not sure. I've completely given up doing what I'm supposed to do to do what feels right, exploring what I'm good at even though it's not lucrative...yet. At this point in time, I haven't figured out what I'm good at at all. (God bless Mary Kay-she said do what you love and you never work a day in your life.) I know people that travel the world to help the world-I wish I could do that-maybe someday I will. What I can tell you is that there is tremendous amount of piece (abundance)/peace that can be had in eschewing acquisition and opting for experience.Exercise your right to be informed.My boyfriend is literally a rocket and planetary scientist with an expertise in astrobiology. He's also sturdy, brawny Canadian-so it balances it out.What does it matter what I say? If you don't like my pic, you probably won't read any further, and if you DO, then I could say I'm a lesbian butcher who's into Tupperware, aromatherapy and rape games and it would still be cool. I at times regret that I am unable to be more exhibitionistic, self-revelatory, debauched, etc. on this site, but I still believe that there are things about people that should be discovered not divulged. I'll be happy to share "me" with people who really care to find out....My pet peeves revolve around not thinking. It's not so much incompetence-you either can or can't, and if you're a technical idiot, you have your own cross to bear. But if you are not an idiot and you do stupid things because you don't think, I have no tolerance for it. Also, I dislike redundancy, or rather people who when told of their redundancy can't get why it is. ATM Machine? Really? Atomic radiation? Talk about redundancy! And what about "night owl"? Ever seen a day one?I believe they call it a cell phone because it's a walking prison.I'm who I am. Either you want to find out directly or not.

My Interests

Sometimes I think if everyone hates it, then I'm destined to like it. Ha ha...but in general, Latin Jazz dancing, debate as a bloodsport, music of any kind, Vegas (in limited doses), travel, intense sex, humor of any kind (from high brow to the most un-PC you can imagine), dining, trying to take over the world.

I'd like to meet:

Alexxys Tyler. That woman can make a lot of sense...until she doesn't. I've met the man who knows how to hit the bottom and work the middle; hope to meet others for my friends so they aren't left out.People. I've decided that meeting plants is cool, but I always have to think of things to do, provide transportation, and do all the talking. I think "people" will provide a more equal relationship.That being said-they have to be people who need to really make connections with other people. Not acquire friends to show how many they have, or use this as a platform to further their acquisitions egos.


There isn't enough space in the world to describe what I like. Easier to describe what I don't like: Muzak, Muzak of already bad music (I mean, elevator music of AIR SUPPLY?), country music of the 80's-90's, most polka (except if you're dancing to it, it really is a blast--Octoberfest, nothing more needs to be said), French Pop Music, and intense techno that requires E to enjoy. Everything else is good, even that Sister Hildegarde under the right circumstances


I love movies, the twistier the better either in plot or humor (i.e., Dark City, the Shining, Being There, ANY Monty Python or Mel Brooks, etc.) and I can and do appreciate the genius of many films. But the ones that provide the most guilty enjoyment, that I'll watch over and over, are the cheesiest. If you enjoy the following cheese, in a SFT 2000 way, we'll be just fine: Murder by Death, Clash of the Titans (or ANY of those "hi-tehc" claymation effects films like Sinbad, etc.) , Godzilla (the original Raymond Burr talking and then sound one) and all the spin-offs (gotta love those twins), Airplane, CreepShow, The Beastmaster, The Tingler, Happy Birthday to Me, are you getting it?


When I watch TV, it's mostly for medication, so I go for the funny almost all the time. The Simpsons, SouthPark, Arrested Development, Family Guy (which IS coming back thank you), etc. OR the complete opposite by utterly absorbing History Channel or Discovery Channel (medical forensics, and speech forensics for that matter, rock). I detest almost all the reality shows, and find that their popularity says less about the money-grubbing of tv producers than it does about how the majority of Americans are a little twisted. They might as well put out a show of drive-by accidents.


There is something about print....magical, sacred. I love reading, period. The magic is powerful-people tend to believe what they read, even if it's the same thing as verbalized. Even if it's bad, because my mind still got the work out to imagine it without someone dictating it to me. I could repeat all the classics, many of which I like. I'll go with the more obscure: The Pearl (an anthology of erotic literature done in the form of monthly periodicals at the time covertly written and published by English nobles during the Victorian Era), the Oxford Dictionary (did you know that most of the entries were defined by a madman? Read the book the Professor and the Madman, about this very thing) because once you realize that a madman wrote it, the definitions are fascinating, and so is our language, Old (pre-80's) DC/Marvel comics, Danse Macabre, The Other Sister, uh...this is making my head hurt.


There's a difference between heroes and role models. You wouldn't recognize any of my heroes. As far as roll models: The Pillsbury Doughboy (and his long-suffering wife, Poppy).

My Blog

My Aliases

1.Rock Star Name (first pet & current street name):Muffin Franklin2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fav icecream flavor, favorite cookie)Peanut Butter Mint Milano (or Peanut Butter Grasshopper when I'm feeling K...
Posted by Blaster Dallas on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:01:00 PST

You've Been Tagged

You've Been TAGGED!Okay, here are the rules: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird things/habits about yourself. Then you need to pick 10 people who haven't been tagged yet (...
Posted by Blaster Dallas on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 10:32:00 PST


I really don't understand the concept of putting the most suspenseful, shocking parts of films in the t.v. commercials.It is bad enough that they are resurrecting a whole generation of classic films (...
Posted by Blaster Dallas on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:56:00 PST

15 Years and $7500 fine

(I chose automotive only because it is a tangential sequeway into the topic...)I just returned from the Ann Arbor/Detroit area of Michigan. If you have never driven on highways in other states, you w...
Posted by Blaster Dallas on Tue, 30 May 2006 03:34:00 PST

The mystery of pigeons...

You know...pigeons are wonderous (but not necessarily wonderful) things. Related to doves, they became that dull grey to match their industrial surroundings. The amazing thing I realized to day is t...
Posted by Blaster Dallas on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST