falconry, fishing, shooting, motocross, snowboarding, paragliding, and theres probable more that i cant think off. id say im fanatical about falconry. i have a goshawk that i try and fly everyday
urm i duna. mybe my dead grandad who soundd quite interesting and sounded abit like me. or is this for the girlie bit loli dont know dont really have a type.
cant relly say i buy music. just always listen to the radio. im not oftne in my house so only really listen to it in the car. but still listen to jungle and hardcore from time to time lol but think im getting abit to old to be a raver anymore lol.
tremours, predator 1 and alien vs preditor, halloween, it, green mile, and shaw shank redemption.
dont watch much tv.
just read falconry books
dont have any. but admire true heroes. someone who risks there life for someone else. or does what they can to help