Tattoos, my motorycle, my family, great friends, dancing in a warm rain, following my muse and living life to it's fullest.
I believe I have been truly blessed with the friendships I have found, the ones I have renewed and the ones yet discovered.
Thank you all for sharing my journey and although some of our paths have gone there seperate ways, I know we will meet up again right up around the bend.
my dear friend Annette, you have gone along on your journey and left us all here to catch up. Your laughter will forever be heard in our hearts. LOVE YOU MAMMA, thank you for helping me in my journey, safe travels my friend.
for our sweet friend Annette
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Dilana~Hate You
Dilana~Dirty Little Secret NYC 10/5/07
Dilana Somebody Else @ Sam Houston Race Track Houton TX 8/11/07
Dilana ~~ Basket Case
Dilana ~~ Solid Gold
Christmas Icons
Almost anything with great guitar rifts.
And of course Miles Before Sleep- those gals rock!!
.. MySpace Icons ..
Dilana~Ice and a word about love
Dilana ~ Build A Boy Houston 8/07
Dilana ~~ Falling Apart
Lady Hawk, Labyrinth, anything Tim Burton, Pulp Fiction, Akira, War of the Roses, Dark Crystal, Hudson Hawk, Pirates of the Carribean- don't care what anyone says Jonny is HOT!, The Last Unicorn, CLERKS, Interveiw with a Vampire, Dead Poet Society, Office Space, Flight of Dragons, Pirates (god save the wenches!),What about Bob, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, BraveHeart (I even have the 6 ft Mel movie cut out- no lie), Beastmaster, Star Wars- the old ones- you know ..4, 5 & 6 ...
lol everyone thinks I read WAY too much, I always have me face in a book on break at work. Currently I am reading Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series - I highly recommend. But old time fav's include the worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien, Piers Anthony, Anne Rice, George RR Martin, Terry Goodkind ......
first and foremost me mom, for all that "life" I threw her way she always managed to be there with a smile & a hug. Love You Mom
For her ability to put to music that which inspires Greatness in Me, a true Rock Goddess, Dilana.
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