I am... a sweet girl with great intensions, will help you out no matter what, takes way to much bullshit to comprehend, works hard for what she wants, worth your damn time to get to know, ambitious about dreams and hopes, would drop everything to make you smile, knows the difference between right and wrong but fights to believe that you're not doing her wrong, the girl who will find any means to pull you out of a ditch even if she has to fall into that ditch herself, the girl who would shelter her emotions just so you feel good about yourself, puts everyone before herself, believes in karma so even on her worst day would never do anyone any harm, strong believer of hope, follows commands in a sense, I'm the hopeless romantic who would sweep you off your feet before you could breath, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and all other supposal womanly duties I provide with a smile because I like doing all of that (sorry feminist), I'm the one who instead of buying you an ipod would go to the star registry and buy you a star in your name, making stuff for people I love is my thing, I'm the girl that even after she’s been stranded in a forest for years and possibly has had a hard if not the hardest of times in her life would still be there for you with a smile. That’s who I am, you can say I'm a pretty damn big deal. and when I say I'm one in a million. I fucking mean
Dedicated to mark:
Mark is the love of my life. Dear babe, I wanted to have a special section just for you on my page just as you have a special place in my heart. We've been through alot you and I, but at the end of the day you're still the one that makes me smile and makes my heart skip a beat. this last year has been amazing having u in my life and I love you with all my heart. I'll always be here for you no matter what and always know my heart is yours and you can count on me. I lufff juu booberz. your pumpkin,♥Aimee