Big Head profile picture

Big Head

About Me

(taken from the chorus)

Doan't ye be what you ain't,
Jes' you be what you is.
Ef a man is what he isn't,
Den he isn't what he is.
Ef you's jes' a little tadpole,
Doan't you try to be de frog.
Ef you's de tail doan't you try to wag de dog.
Jes' pass de plate ef you can't exhort and preach;
Ef you's jes' a little pebble,
Doan't ye try to be de beach.
Ef a man is what he isn't, den he isn't what he am,
And as sure as I'm a-talkin' he isn't worth a --
Doan't be what you ain't,
Jes' be what you is.
Ef a man is what he isn't,
Den he isn't what he is;
And as sure as I'm a-talkin',
He's gwyne to git his.

- Edwin Milton Royle

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

I have my own catchphrase that has already died out. Writing, and avoiding writing. Sexy Latin girls. The outdoors, though I rarely see them these days.

I'd like to meet:

Definitely not a mug like you.


I love many styles, but the only form I have an undying love for is metal. I like everything from Korn to Slayer to Soundgarden to Opeth to Lamb of God to Neurosis. There's plenty of shit in the mainstream, and plenty in the underground. Neither status can deem the ammount of quality something holds. Only my ears can do that.


Zombie films are the tops! Well, when they're good. Frankenstein is my main motherfucker, and you don't mess with Foxy Brown. To me the 1970's is one of the most outstanding eras of film. No idea was too outlandish. I can go on a mile a minute about film and never get a single idea across, so let's just say I likes it.


24, Ren and Stimpy, The Twilight Zone. I watch television only when I have a DVD or VHS in the player. TV Commercials give me headaches.


I've recently gotten into John Updike and Anton Chekhov. I don't really have a specific favorite author, so I read a lot of random books. I'm also a fan of comics, but I only read the graphic novels because I need everything in bulk. That's probably my problem TV too. I like to get the story on my terms.


James Cagney, Harpo Marx, Sugawara Bunta, my friends who bust their asses doing what they want in life.

My Blog


Isis v.s. Jesu v.s. ToolLast Sunday I had the opportunity to see Jesu. For those who don't know this is the new project for Just K. Broadrick of Godflessh. Not that new as he's had two albums and tw...
Posted by Big Head on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:46:00 PST

I scare myself sometimes.

I was in Office Depot yesterday making copies of a short story for one of my classes, and I decided to go check out their furniture section. As I walked through I was getting mini-serotonin rushes as...
Posted by Big Head on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 09:18:00 PST

Shit is about to get hectic...

I recently got a new job. I still work with children who are autistic, but within a different part of the company. So I now have 5 cases that I work. This is good because i now have 41 hours with b...
Posted by Big Head on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 12:31:00 PST

Thanks for the birthday wishes...

If you called, messaged, or commented me, thanks. That was nice of you, and i appreciate the thought.I hope that nobody gets the wrong idea about me not doing anything, or even really mentioning it, ...
Posted by Big Head on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:33:00 PST

"Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin

I wish I had the whole passage to post on here, but I couldn't find it all online. So just go out and find this story. It's pretty damn good, and I especially love the last 3 pages or so, once the n...
Posted by Big Head on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 08:36:00 PST

If you're interested in your future you may want to read this.

Regardless of how you feel about our involvement in Iraq, the following posted by a California lawyer presents an interesting perspective which is worthwhile to consider. A good lesson in history. A...
Posted by Big Head on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:57:00 PST

Dramatic Monologue

This is the new poem for my English class. It's a dramatic monolgue spoken by the beautiful Esperanza. If you don't know who she is, you will. To My Parents: Revenge!The stone feels so cold to my c...
Posted by Big Head on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 01:18:00 PST

Korn: How Many Times is Too Many?

Most people who know me know that I'm a huge Korn fan. I have been this way for many years, and I see no reason to stop. I'm very happy to have grown attached to this particular band. Why? Because ...
Posted by Big Head on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 12:24:00 PST

Poem 3 Theme: America

I think this one needs another draft, though this is draft three. I think the themes get a little confused towards the end. I dunno. Feedback would be cool. Especially if you feel it needs to be a l...
Posted by Big Head on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 01:53:00 PST

The Apocalypse...

I just dreamt the apocalypse and the first place I go is Myspace to write a blog. Maybe it is the apocalypse... So the dream I just had was very vivid and strange. It's going to take me a minute ...
Posted by Big Head on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 03:49:00 PST