Neal profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

goddamn, i am infuriated about the wickerman remake. that movie was shit to begin with.update 5/13/07: I am still infuriated about the remake, but I enjoyed the parallels between the community watch group in the movie Hot Fuzz to the townspeople in the Wickerman.christ, my life.

My Interests

Music, learning, butchering languages and playing medieval total war.


a bunch of intolerable and noisy trash


Al-Qaeda and what it means to be Modern by John Gray, Vonnegut, Miller, Rusihdie (fuck you, I liked the Satanic Verses ), Ernest Gellner, Reinhold Wagnleitner, other bullshit non-fiction books about things that don't really matter.


my mom and dad. the bro. the sis.