I like monkeys and those flash videos of kittens singing...
I like smart ass tee shirts and socks with random patterns.
I like books and stuff. A LOT. Check out www.shelfari.com.
And I like to take random pictures of myself on my cell phone and send them to people for absolutlly no reason.
And I like the Lemurs...
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My World Visitor Map!
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pin up girl reading - Image Hosting
Contact Tables
I like bad music. 80's hair metal and 90's rap.
Oh, and Elvis!!!!!!!!!!
I would have done dirty nasty things to you "Comeback Special" Elvis...
If it's twisted and psychological or funny but in a smart way I love it.
Lost, Arrested Development, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Real Time w/ Bill Mahar, Weeds (a GREAT Showtime show if you get a chance to see it), Scrubs, all the old HBO shows on DVD....Of course The Office and all that trendy crap. I hate reality TV...
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Here are 5 of my all-time favorites (in no particular order):
1. Memoirs of a Geisha
2. House of Leaves
3. Unbearable Lightness of Being
4. The Martian Chronicles
5. Widow for One Year.
No, my taste in books does NOT say a lot about me...I will read pretty much anything.
Oh...and Her:
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Baby Shower at Borders!!!