Crud Bonemeal profile picture

Crud Bonemeal

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

"The Poke of Zorro"Cast: Zorro ................................. John Byner Robot Zorro ......................... Shawn Wayans Mrs. Zorro ........................... Rita Rudner Scarlet Pimpernel ...... Curtis "Booger" Armstrong King Arthur ......................... Cheech Marin Man in the Iron Mask ................ Gina Gershon Wise Nun .............................. Posh Spice Stupid Nun .......................... Meryl Streep Time Traveler #1 ......... Stone Cold Steve Austin Orangutan at Dance ..................... "Puddles" Gay-Seeming Prince ................. Spalding Gray Man Beating Mule .................... Eric Roberts Mule Beating Man ........................... "Gus" Hiccuping Narrator ......................... Pele President Van Buren ................. Robert Evans Corky ............................ Anthony Hopkins Voice of Magic Taco ............. James Earl Jones

My Interests

Ninjas, Video Games, Comics, Air Guitar, T.V. , METAL and Chillin' with my friends.

I'd like to meet:

Soke of the Togakure Ninja Maasaki Hatsumi,MF Doom ,Kari Byron, Jello Biafra, Mr. T, Immortal, and GWAR.


Anythink except Ska or Emo. I like some Punk (especially Dead Kennedys),rap and METAL. BLACK METAL IST KRIEG


Immortal - Call of the Wintermoon

DOOD IM LEIK TEH WUN WIT TEH HAT. Duel to the Death, Revenge of the Ninja, Predator, Dirty Work, Gremlins, Anchorman, STAR WARS!!!!, Escape From LA and New York, Kill Bill parts one and two, Army of Darkness.


Mystery Science Theater 3000, Simpsons, Family Guy, WONDER SHOWZEN, Adult Swim.


A Clockwork Orange, Jurassic Park, Shogun, The Anonymous Rex Series, anything else that piques my interest, really.


DUKE NUKEM. Maasaki Hatsumi, Jello Biafra, Nattefrost,Fenriz,GWAR, Em,Mike Nelson, Samuel L. Jackson, and Mr. T, the toughest man in the world !