Ninjas, Video Games, Comics, Air Guitar, T.V. , METAL and Chillin' with my friends.
Soke of the Togakure Ninja Maasaki Hatsumi,MF Doom ,Kari Byron, Jello Biafra, Mr. T, Immortal, and GWAR.
Anythink except Ska or Emo. I like some Punk (especially Dead Kennedys),rap and METAL. BLACK METAL IST KRIEG
Mystery Science Theater 3000, Simpsons, Family Guy, WONDER SHOWZEN, Adult Swim.
A Clockwork Orange, Jurassic Park, Shogun, The Anonymous Rex Series, anything else that piques my interest, really.
DUKE NUKEM. Maasaki Hatsumi, Jello Biafra, Nattefrost,Fenriz,GWAR, Em,Mike Nelson, Samuel L. Jackson, and Mr. T, the toughest man in the world !