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Whats up?

About Me

I'm a Mukilteo Washington Native, born and raised. I call this great pacific northwest my home. I am concerned about the world as we know it. I've been working at a local bar in everett on 4th ave and 99, Shotze's Rack in Roll. It's goodtimes. Decided since Im 21, might as well try something new. I love trying new things. Still Living in Mukilteo, and loving it though. (always comparing/contrasting) People are so interesting... Between the busy ones, and those who don't care.

My Interests

Shooting Pool, Playing Starcraft, Enviromental Science, Guitar, Nine Inch Nails. Being with good company.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone. You. A Perspective Entite. Each individual is unlike the rest. Every encounter I have furthers my quest for knowledge, truth, and compassion. I feel that the more people I meet, ~the less ignorant I become. Seeing once again, things in a diffirent light. People never cease to surprise us with their individualism. Explore every possable scenerio. To me life is a huge curiosity, rarely bored with myself. "I think therefore I am..(never bored)" I prefere motivated peers around me. Keeps the knowledge flowing eh? Communication is huge...


NIN - Year Zero Capital G


Just saw Pathfinder, I am about to go see Aqua Teen and Hot Fuzz, anyone wanna go? call me! (its april 23rd while im typing this)


Jon Stewert, Colert Repore, South Park, Planet Eart of the Discovery Networks (Check out planet earth on demand! its awsome!) anyway Tv should be for information, not mind blasting. PEace!


Time magazine, Readers Digest, Game Informer, The Worlds Oceans, Great Expectations.


Jon Stewert, Trent Reznor, and my pops.

My Blog

On Vacation

Hey there, Just having a blast out here in hawaii. City of Kona. Everyday I have new experiences that are particular to the hawaiian islands. On top of exploring the island everyday, I have been doing...
Posted by Richard on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:47:00 PST

It's May 10th 07' what else is new?

Hey there freinds, the strange and astranged. Things are looking good. The future looks fun. I have been working at Shotze's the Past few months. I've seen alot of shit, and it isn't anything but the ...
Posted by Richard on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:44:00 PST

Alot on my mind as always

Lifes been interesting for me as always. It never seises to stop throwing me changes. Which is what curve balls flying my way represent. Change just hinders routine, comfortablilty, and stab...
Posted by Richard on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 12:34:00 PST


The past few days have been interesting as always. Always being busy and having a place to be. Not necassarily my home. I lately much prefere a chill couch of a close freind. In turn though I havn't h...
Posted by Richard on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 03:24:00 PST


To reconcile is to make a relationship between. I find thoughts of reconciliation often difficult. Lately I find myself alone in my thoughts. I have few to really share them with, and even fewer who r...
Posted by Richard on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 07:19:00 PST

Life is cool

I just wanna cover some stuffs.  The 23rd was awsome! NIN in concert was by far one of the best experiences I have been through. His music flowed through my body with rythmic bass. It touched my ...
Posted by Richard on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 01:52:00 PST

Rolling around wanting peace

Life right now is mildly lame - My Home and Family matters currently demand my full attention. This means anything from unexpected house guests to my usual teenage angst of living at home. Everyt...
Posted by Richard on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 01:16:00 PST


Today is the 6th and that means that it's Kristina's birthday!  My youngest sister just turned 16! Thats cool, although it just reminds me how old I am! I never wanna grow up, grrrr. Summer feels...
Posted by Richard on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 11:25:00 PST

A new day, A new idea

Hello! This is my first blog entry. Sure is - anyway I thought I would try out this it looks like a cool online community. I saw so many of my freinds online I thought I should be a part o...
Posted by Richard on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 04:36:00 PST