I'd like to meet:
The Randy:
Name: Randy g.
Age: 16
Location:Azusa, California.
Sex: Male.
Status: single.
: I FALL through
Myspace url:
obviously from my myspace name my name is Randy. i am 16 i go to a very shitty school, even shittier than last year. and i live in a shitty town called azusa, you might of seen it on the news with a lot of gangsters kiling other cholos? no? oh well, you'll remember.THis is my second myspace, my first one was hacked and deleted. please people, if you dont llike me for whatever reason it is, please dont spend countless hours and months figuring oyut how to hack my stuff. "about me" on myspace is bugging me nowadays. it use to tell stuff about you now all it is is people basically telling you to hate them. don't tell people to hate you no one thinks you're cool if you dont give a shit or watevr just be yourself, jeeeze. some may think i am hot, but believe i am not. and i am not saying this for attention or for people to say something good abaout me, it is just the truth. in reality i am normal average ugly fucker. i do not like meeting new people, just for the fact i dotn liek half the people i knwo now. when i meet someone i most likely make fun of them non-stop and talk shit about you behind your back. sorrrrry, but it's me.i will make fun of you probably too. i knwo there might be some other profiles claiming to be me, but believe this is the real Randy, if you see any sites claiming to be me please report them, thnx. ok, yes i wear tight clothes but that does not mean i am gay, bi, scene, emo, hardcore. i am just Randy. Believe it or not i do liek girls, but girls never seem to really like me, for whatever reason. i like to think i am better off without a girl. but i knwo i am not. when things dissapoint me i liek to try to cover it up and pretend nothing ever happened or i am better without it. but it gets really hard and really wrong. according to religion i have none. i am too smart for superstitions. if you believe and god and want to fight with me about please do not. because i do not feel right making fun of someoen about beliefs. but if yo9u really think he is real...then why not gremlins? - or werewolves? what is so diffferent about that? please people, be real with others. if they are ugly dont tell them how beautiful they are it's just sad. i have seen millions of people whose face looks like it has been shot in the face and others still say how beautiful they arent. i dont feel bad for the person, i mean i am making fun of them, which i do with my freinds basically everday. but i feel bad for the person calling them beautiful. they must seemed forced to do it.
click to see profile he got his profile deleted.
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Just the bands i listen to the most. i am tired of having all my bands up here.
All my heroes.
A change of pace.
A thorn fro every heart.
Across five aprils.
Bear vs. Shark.
Before Today.
Boys night out.
Bring me the horizon.
Bleed the dream.
Bleed the sky.
Bury your dead.
Comeback kid.
Circa Survive.
Calico sytem.
Dead poetic.
Dear whoever.
Darkest hour.
Evergreen terrce.
Escape teh fate.
Eyes of the betrayer.
Everytime i die.
Funeral for a freind.
Further seems forever.
Greeley estates.
Give up the ghost.
Haste the day.
Hot cross.
Hidden in plain view.
Into the moat.
I am Ghost.
It dies today.
i killed the prom queen.
just surender.
Jimmy eat world.
Moments in grace.
Most preciousl blood.
My american heart.
Norma jean.
Open hand.
Odd project.
Symphony in peril.
The faint.
Through closed eyes.
Yesterdays rising.
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