VOYVODA profile picture


The Official Voyvoda myspace page

About Me

VOYVODA A band with Turkish lyrics hard'n heavy Rock. T.Ertan CEKIN The group is founded in 2006 and then his first work that he insisted the song to be his ballad he made a clip for this song and On the 20,2007 August he served the song on Youtube to the pleasure for the Turkish Fanatics. The song is served for almost one month is clicked by people for 1,168 times and Got some good critics. Also the song seved on the links like pikniktube and siyahpark (blackpark) and his song has won a good place. The songs are now like to be an EP and he just wanted to be the first and only. The emotions that he felt he just meanth fort he covers suicides, the lonely peaople and he touches very important subjects to the poor people loneliness and individualizm that also refer to contradiction of the poor man and his songs ara about subjects indivudialist and conradictions. Voyvoda in a fast way is wanted to serve himself in 2007–2008 to the Turkish audiance correctly and just to honestly wanted to give to rock audiance all of his or our love he continued with his songs, lyrics and music with the leadership of Thomas Ertan CEKIN.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/5/2007
Band Members: Thomas Ertan(Lead Vocals)
Alper Can (Rhytm&backing Vocals)
Serdar Semen /Masked Jackal (Bass)
Osman Cihan (Drums)
Ensar Dereli(Guest Guitar)

Influences: Black Sabbath,Dio,Jethro Tull,Deep Purple,Iron Maiden,Metallica,Motörhead,Amadeus Mozart,Ludwig van Beethoven,Bach,Rotting Christ,Evergrey,Dimmu Borgir etc.
Sounds Like: Hard'n Heavy Metal Rock....
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Major