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What is 2 Wheel Atmosphere?
We are an online community reflecting the great diversity that exists in the worldwide motorcycling scene. Toward this end, our community is open to male and female riders, riders of every ethnicity, riders of all brands of motorcycles and people from many different walks of life and life experiences. Like the wolf packs found in nature, we strive to have members from a large age range and various generations as well. Our belief in having members from a large age range is not just a belief rooted in the idea that the young can learn from the older or that the young can provide fresh energy and enthusiasm. It is both of these ideas and more. It is also an idea rooted in the belief that we all can learn something from each other and contribute something to the growth of one another no matter what our age or what the nature of our life experience. 2 Wheel Atmosphere is community of enthusiast who have one overall theme in common; the love of a motorcycle.
Site PhotosHave a look at some of our members' gritty and sometimes amusing photo albums. Interested in being included? Visit us today !
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Vitals /////////
Established :: 2007
Members :: Currently Recruiting
Headquatered :: Atlanta, GA
Feedback :: Contact Us
Mission :: A premier motorcycle website that brings all styles of motorcycles and riders together for one reason "we love to ride".
Links /////////
Directory :: Our Members
Photos :: Member Photos
Groups :: Member Groups
Forum :: Conversations
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The JunkyardThis MySpace page is an ever changing work in progress. The layout has some minor issues with IE, Safari, and Opera. Can I recommend Firefox or Flock ? Use Intercrap Explorer as a last resort.
Best viewed in Firefox :: Layout by Osiris :: 2007