Veronica profile picture


Whateva! Grow Some Huevos!

About Me

have recently updated this about me, so read on: prone to accidents .... get really excited about new things and once I've made up my mind, can start putting ideas to action quickly ... am in love with my husband, Ben, and have never been happier .... Believe that if you put God first, everything else will fall into line ... will be the first person to point out my flaws .... LOVE funny people .... am turned off by negativity and people who don't believe in God .... over-analyze everything ...... own coloring books and use them regularly .... have not lost my 'inner child' ... have a tendancy to stay up way past my bedtime .... often attract random strangers who feel compelled to tell me their whole life story .... get the most smiles from old people and babies ... have been accused of being a flirt- but if I hit your arm when you say something funny, don't read too much into it ... curl my eyelashes everyday .... appreciate my friends and family .... am a romantic .... constantly over estimate my height... take people for face value .... love to write .... am a BooZer .... am trying to get used to high heels-cause I know that they look HOT- but as of yet, am starting to lean more towards pointy toed flats - heels hurt!.... am emotional .... am empathetic.... LOVE funky socks.... hope to one day own a bulldog .... will always respond with "chinese" to the question: "what do you feel like eating?" ... get a kick out of mullets .... have a special place in my heart for all of my old SLS and Incarnate Word classmates-awww, memories .... am a queen of 'remember whens' .... dream big .... will not hesitate to preach to people about the benefits of moisturizing-premature aging CAN BE prevented!.... think that fart jokes are hysterical .... can almost guarantee that my new shirt will have a stain after the first five minutes of putting it on.... LOVE spicy food and will call you a wimp if you can't handle it :) .... am not afraid of confrontation because I hate pretending that nothing is wrong when clearly something is .... love people watching...prefer my glasses over contacts .... am trying to become a nicer person-and appreciate it when people appropriately put me in my place .... can have a dark side .... am excited about my future .... could go on and on............
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

GOD ( day?). Joyce Meyer. Willie Nelson. Sailor Jerry. my Grandpa Vincent. Gloria EstefaN. George Lopez. Johnny Depp. Will Ferrell. Kevin Spacey. Bobby Flay. Stacey and Clinton from What Not to Wear. Kevin James......ummm, and my baby's daddy (nnnnnaaaaah, just joking)


Favorite local band (San Antonio, TX): ADELIN!!!Check them out at : My brother is the singer. The only way you can tell we are related is through the HAIR.

Thanks to Ben, my musical tastes have expanded. I can now say that not all country makes me vomit :). I have a tendancy to be indecisive. Ask me what my favorite type of music is and I'll say something different everytime, depending on my mood. So, I guess that I can only say, that I like what I like..and I don't know what I like until I hear it. Here is a list of cds that are in my car right now (this list is subject to you care): some country cd...don't ask, cause I don't know, Trick Daddy (T double D baby!) and Adelin


Napoleon Dynamite, Cinderella (because as a little girl,I used to watch it everyday afterschool-no wonder I'm such a romantic), Old School, Billy Elliot, Pretty in Pink, The Emperor's New Groove (uh huh, uh huh, uhhuh, uhhuh, uhhuh), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Usual Suspects, The Sixth Sense, and I'm gonna go ahead and put The Butterfly Effect-because it suprised the crap out of me that instead of majorly sucking ass -which I expected- it was really, really good. Rent it, people!


The Simpsons, Flip this Hous, Family Guy, What Not to Wear, South Park, How do I Look?, Home Movies, any televised sporting event that Ben MAKES me watch (my God, why do they need 20 million ESPN channels, WHY?), most boxing events, MTV, Fuse (any music channels in general), Design on a Dime, House Hunters, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Slutbags, Ugly Betty......okay, I better stop before you realize I spend way too much time watching tv.


I have to read too?! I'm not gonna lie, right now, I'm not reading anything.


Anyone who inspires me to better myself. Everyday people are heroes to me in different ways, at different times in my life.

Just a random quote that I caught my fancy...

My Blog

Nuggets of Wisdom

All the good stuff I seem to learn when I'm out with my friends, aside from Ben, the wittiest people I know. It would be a shame to keep all of this brillance bottled up inside, so I graciously share ...
Posted by Veronica on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 09:30:00 PST

Keep your eyes on the prize, and the prize is puka

Yes, my friends, it's the cheesedick fashion accessory of choice, the puka shell necklace. My weekend antics revealed that puka, apparently, is still alive and well, making appearances on all things d...
Posted by Veronica on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:46:00 PST

First things first....

Here is what you are supposed to do.....answer without thinking....first thing that comes to mind 1. My ex is ---> Just jump right into my personal life, why don't you?!? None of your business, nosey...
Posted by Veronica on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 11:59:00 PST

I want............

A puppy!!  I don't know what it is, but lately, I've been getting the strongest urge to get a dog. And before you go around sounding like my mother, I KNOW that they can get e...
Posted by Veronica on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:14:00 PST


Here is a survey I filled out full of useless information about me. If you are into that sort of thing, read on: TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Veronica Esteeeerrrrr RamirezBirthday:March 4, ...
Posted by Veronica on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 12:26:00 PST

What the hell is the blog stuff all about?!

Soooo-basically, a blog is an excuse to post my rantings and ravings for the whole world to see. Who ever thought that my personal thoughts were so interesting? The truth is that they are not. And yo...
Posted by Veronica on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:27:00 PST

I just want my old eyebrows back!!

Stupid eyebrow waxer lady. I didn't ask her to re-create a new starting point for my brows. There just shouldn't be THAT much space between eyebrows. I should have known better when I saw hers-all th...
Posted by Veronica on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 03:19:00 PST

I am happy because....

It's Friday! Today, I look into my future with a sense of anticipation. I don't know where I am going, but I feel that I am on the verge of something great.    
Posted by Veronica on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 01:30:00 PST