Singing (when nobody's around to hear), Reading, Writing, Yoga, Astrology, Poetry, bowling, dancing, camping, just actin' up.
There are so many people I would love to meet, whether it be to ask them a question about a particular event or to listen to the story of their life. Echo Bodine - Author of "A Still Small Voice", Laurie Cabot - Author of "The Witch in Every Woman",Dr. Wayne Dyer - Author of "The Power of Intention", Oprah (who needs no introduction)...And many more. As far as Myspace is concerned, I'd like to meet anyone who feels as though they can connect with me on something in some way. And please KEEP IT CLASSY!
You have been marked on my profile map!
R&B, Hip Hop, Alternative, Anything Old School, Anything that I can vibe to.
Legends of the Fall, Scarface, The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather(all), The Matrix(all), Cube, Lean on Me, Gladiator, Shindler's List, The Lion King
Don't really watch much...Law and Order, Oprah, Soaps, 24, American Idol, Football (Pats fan all the way)...
Rage of Angels (Anything Sidney Sheldon), Walking on the Wind, Rich Dad/Poor Dad, A Still Small Voice, The Gift of Fear, Awaken the Giant Within, The Book of Five Rings, Night by Elie Weisel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Chronicles of Narnia...
My family & friends who teach me the true meaning of resiliency over and over again. Anyone can be a hero if you catch them on the right day.