
I am here for Friends

About Me

ReallY eNjoY liFe GOd wiLLingLy....aNd i LoVe a Lot of tHinGs aNd sHaRe tHeM wItH pEoPle i LoVe sO de@r to my hEaRt. weLl, iM frIeNdLy, suPpOrtiVe, cAring, sUper LOvinG (SWEET sobra!), vErsaTile, fraGile, chEerFul, avEraGe cuTie, chUbBy, sExy GRABE 2 DO NA2 (hehehe), sImpLe, muSicaLly inSane, trUst-wOrtHy, irRitAtiNg at tImEs yEt funNy, anNoyiNg yEt joYful, mOoDy, teMperaTe bY nAtUrE, sliGhtly sEnsitiVe, f@shionAte, trEndY, nOt hiGh aNd miGhtY, juStfuL by hEarT & mInD, pOlitiCal, sOul n' dEep, siLent, criTicaL tHinkEr, mAkulit, b@biesh @ times (depending on who & where), LOVE to lEnd me hAnds & ears to my loVed oNes whEnevVr neEded, aVDenturous, hUmble, oPen-mInded, aCTive, genErouS, miScheVious, uNpreDictable , LIve, snObbish @ tiMes, maTaRay, atHletic, bOth reSposible aNd iRRespoNsible hehehe! multiple peRsonAlity, hot-blOOded, spOrts miNded tOtaLly (sports talented)!.....@s for My pErsOnal liFe wEll im SEXY, PRETTY mUch siLentT aBouT it hEhehE JOKE ONLY, beTTer kEpt tHan sAid. bUt sTill i hAve LimitS on my own fOolish aCts, i rEgret tHe stUpidity aNd ignOranCe tHat i sOmeTimes dOnt rEalizEd tHat ive dOne... i cAn neVEr bE undErstOOd, yoU juSt haVe to Be paTienT wiTh me...PATIENCE is my virtue......I LOVE TO EXPLORE & MEET NEW INTERESTING PEOPLE........Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Comh its me kat bleehhhh

My Interests

I love playing billiards with mah buddy I love eating kya chubby meh Night life with mah friends window shooping

I'd like to meet:

people hu r very interesting of cors ung me sense rin.hheheheh


R&B, love songs, techno, alternatives


day after 2moro, love affair, 10 thing i hate about u, 2fast2furious, unfaithful, daddy day care, sassy girl, the notebook, constantine, mit da fuckers