sLeePiNg/rEaDiNg bOoKS/ sUrFiNg d NeT/ rEADInG aRticLEs/ bOwLinG/ pS2 / PC gAmEs/california maki/ ice cream/aUntiE aNNe'S [glazin' raisin]/ rAiSiNeTtEs & mAltESeRS/StRaWbERriES & cReaM fRaP/ cHerRy swEEtS/ MinTs*/ guMs*/mY DiOR mAke-UP/ clothing & fashion XOXO, terranova/ biRkEnstOCks/gADgeTs/My ipOd viDeO/diGi cAm/ [piXiEs], pSp, Cd's & dVd's, My EmpiRe oF bAgS & sHoeS/ perFumeS & cOloGneS/nOt uR OrdiNaRy JEANS/ mAssaGe/ tAttOOs, PiErCingS,bODy ArT, XtC(lolZ)
witty, beautiful, and gorgeous people...d sweaty guy that i saw in d club, dancing junkie --- i love you... hahaha
Music Video: STARS ARE BLIND (by Paris Hilton)
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White Chicks, LOTR trilogy, DRAMA QUEEN, MEAN GIRLS, 20-30-40, TAXI, Legally Blonde 1 & 2, Beautiful Boxer, Memoirs of a Geisha, Herbie, Just my Luck, Last Holiday, Bewitched, Beauty Shop, She's the Man, Pink Panther, Shrek, Shark Tale, Annie, Premonition, Paper Soldiers
Masterminds, Forensic Files, Bones, Hollywood Justice, Jerry Springer Show, Maury, Trading Spouses, Cold Turkey
Tuesdays with Morrie, I used to Miss him but my aim iS improving,The 10 women you'LL bE beFore yOur'Re 35...The Purpose Driven Life, God's Devotional Book, The Little Prince, Hope for the flowers, Silas Marner, Pride & Prejudice, All the pretty horses, Nobody's there, Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Moustache Mary, Potshot, By the light of my father's smile, Fat boy saves world, Shanghai Baby , Memoirs of a Geisha, Island Girls and Boys, Good in Bed, SELF-HELP BOOKS