Sailing, snowboarding, drinking, guitar, off-roading, school, rock climbin, drinking, traveling, smoking, being somebody, art, outdoors, drinking...the frizescaping reality
the pope, i saw him from about 300 feet away mumbling at a crowd of thousands, all in silence. it was pretty stupid but u must be somebody if thousands of people come far and wide to sit in silence and hear you mumble. also Her Majesty the Queen of England, i have a dream of being k-nited. and salvador dali i would love to get in his head for a minute or two while we're there u can include picaso and Gaudi genious or decide. marylin bush and michael moore...come outside and receive your one million PUNCHES IN THE FACE. che guevera...seriously...
everyting but country... if you want a treat come with me to see Moe. you'll be touched i promise...Blazed and Confused
Top Gun... clerks II, animal house, sin city, black hawk down and ferris buelers day of in that order...there will always be a special place for Technical/Chulk and johny english though...
Adult fun for you
Quo-Vadis, atlas shrugged, youth in revolt, Che(read it), All the names, the harry potters and lord o' the rings.i also like existentialist crap
B.M.- J.C.-J.B.- john srewert... the guy that invented birth control