Blessed with those that matter profile picture

Blessed with those that matter

Half empty, half full....either way I want another!

About Me

Create your own by clicking here!!Hi, My name is Lisa. I'm divorced and in what I hope to be the last relationship for the rest of my life. I'm the Mother to the 2 most amazing children on the planet! And also Mother to one who doesn't care enough to send me a Mother's Day card. That would be my oldest son Tim. He's away at college and my younger son Tyler and daughter Madyson live home with me. Myspace Graphics
Myspace LayoutsI'm back to being a Shift Supervisor with Starbucks and I love my job again finally. Stepping down from Management was the BEST decision I could have made for my family. I still get to start peoples day with a smile, a great cup of coffee and some of my unending goofy sense of humor! And now I don't have the stress or misery that I've been feeling for months now. In my spare, who am I kidding? I don't have any spare time! Remember? Single Mother! I'm on the job 24/7.

My Interests

My children, my job and my never ending Tinkerbell obsession...those seem to be my only interests. And now Tom has opened my world to a whole new set of possibilities.

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

I'd like to meet:

Image Provided By: SeekCodesI searched my high school and haven't found ANYONE from there?!?!? Our Lady of Perpetual Help H.S. in Brooklyn, NY. Class of 1986. Am I really THAT old? Yeah...I guess I can answer my own question! lolLooking to make new friends and re-acquaint with some old ones if possible.I've made some huge life changing decisions recently. My younger 2 children and I are now living in Southern California! I'm nervous and excited at the same time! I'm in a blessed relationship that has shown me that what's meant to be WILL be. I love you honey! Our future is bright and I am looking forward to this journey. Also, I do NOT accept friends to my list just because you send a request. I am not here for networking or to have the all time high number of friends on my page. Be patient and send messages back and forth for a while. Then I'll let you into my personal space. And if you feel compelled to tell me that I'm the woman of your dreams or that you've fallen in love from a picture, then you're definitely NOT someone I will be talking to. If you bother to read my profile, you'll know that Tom's where my heart is and that's IT for me! What kind of angel are you?
You are a fallen angel.Once a pure angel who had done something it shouldnt have.Either falling in love or killing someone you were band from heaven and never aloud to come back.You are now a fighter who shall not allow anyone to make fun of them.Inside you are sad but you try not to show it.You are a loyal friend who many can count on and would risk your life to save them or your family.
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I listen to a little bit of everything other than rap or elevator music. I love lots of music. Bon Jovi, Firehouse, Nickelback, Evanessence. Hair bands from the 80's (Def Leppard, White Lion, Poison..and so many more. As well as some old school house music baby! As far as current music, I'll listen to pop/rock/alternative. What do your EYES say about you?(picks +detailed answers + quotes)
Your eyes show love and sympathy. You mostly think about your loved one, a person whom you feel attracted to, a person which means a lot to you. You care about your parents and about life in general. In your eyes people see not only a dreamer longing for love but also a kind hearted person who many only imagine to be. Congratulation on getting this result for it means you know how to live life, have fun but also love everyone. Deep down you hate no one even thought they hurt you. You can forgive and forget and do to all this you have friends some close and some not so close. You help your friends and they help you. Together you are a team."Love isnt about finding the perfect person, its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly" Thanks for taking the quiz, hope you enjoyed it!
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE horror movies! And Sci-Fi, some comedy, drama and the occasional "chick" flick if the spirit moves me. Mostly I find myself watching Rent for the millionth time with my daughter Madyson. She's obsessed with it! lol ..


Hmmmmm, most of the time the food network is on here. Much more than Tom would like, that's for sure! lol I love to cook and Tyler has become very interested in it as well. Obviously the sci-fi channel is one of our favs too. More Tom than me lately. And much to his dismay, I will admit to an occasional soap opera day to escape the real world for some trashy fun. I'm addicted to House and Heroes. Also watch Pushing Daisies, Reaper, Bionic Woman, Supernatural, and Smallville. I find myself DVR'ing most of the shows because I'm rarely up late enough to see them anymore!


Anything Dean Koontz. For pure enjoyment, I like to read entertainment magazines too.


My Grandfather is my hero. He was the single most important man to touch my life. Taught me to love and accept everyone. To see the good in people even when they may not see it in themselves. I've always marched to my own drummer and my Grandfather was my one man cheering section. For that I will always be grateful and I hope one day someone looks back at me and remembers me with the same quality. I miss him immensely. Using your mouth
Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mouth. You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy with your mouth.
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Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
You scored as Blue. Your heart is blue. You are a very calm and relaxed person. You are very caring and like helping others. You're grateful for what you have in life, even if it's not perfect. People love you for who you are, don..'t ever change that- it's what makes you the great person that you are.


















~What colour is your heart?~
created with
Your Sloth Quotient: 37%
You're a little lazy, but normally you're a very energetic and motivated person.
Don't beat yourself up over a little laziness every now and then. You do need your downtime! How Much Sloth Do You Have?
You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.












What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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Your Passion is Yellow
You're a total sexual shape shifter.
You possess a complex sex drive and are very adaptable.
Of all the colors, you are the most likely to be bisexual.
While you the most passionate, you are very open minded. What Color Is Your Passion?
Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect
Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing! Are You a Good Kisser?
You Are a Chimera
You are very outgoing and well connected to many people.
Incredibly devoted to your family and friends, you find purpose in nurturing others.
You are rarely alone, and you do best in the company of others.
You are incredibly expressive, and people are sometimes overwhelmed by your strong emotions. What Mythological Creature Are You?
Your Birthdate: June 10
Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.
Your strength: Your ability to gain respect
Your weakness: Caring too much what others think
Your power color: Orange-red
Your power symbol: Letter X
Your power month: October What Does Your Birth Date Mean?