Biking, hiking, running, swimming, kayaking and torturing myself by competing in various endurance events. And brewing beer. Ah beer, the cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
Two legs. Two arms. Anyone with the ability to play the hokie pokie.
All that makes up the 3.6 days of listening enjoyment on my IPOD
LOVE MOVIES. Pulp Fiction, Braveheart, Old School and Wedding Crashers top my 25 year old guy list, but also love The Royal Tennenbaums, I Heart Huckabees, Crash (the preachy pc one, b/c there are like five movies by this name), and a whole list of others.
"Lost" I love this show, I'm such a junkie it's pathetic. I haven't been hooked on any show like this since Sesame Street.
Anything by David Sedaris, "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay," "Fast Food Nation," (read it, it'll make you think twice or maybe even three times about what eating a Big Mac really does to your body and life), and I have to admit, my girlfriend got me hooked on eh hem, cough, Harry Potter, fuck off, they're fun.
Lance Armstrong, cause fuck the french that's why... and Norm Kirby for his unwavering refusal to be anything but himself.