DOES GOING TO HEAVEN COUNT?? I LuV tO EnTeRtAiN YoU... So YoU dOnT GeT BoReD..., SiNg, DanCIn, SpoRts, LaDIeS, ChILLIN WiTh FrIeNdS, CrAsHiN At Mah bEsTfRiEnDs PaD.Ummmm.. Interesting, Art, Photography, Music, Poker, Movies, Singing, Reading, Volleyball
Everyone and anyone... just talk to me and if you think im nice then holla...... I WaNt To MeEt MoSt EvERyOnE i CaN... I aM a PeoPle PerSon... Oh you MeaN LadY fRIeNd??... WeLL thats EaSy... FuN LovIn FeMaLe thAt LoVes TO LauGh aNd iS OuTgOiN... And ShY LiKe Me... ActUaLLy iM VeRy OpEn MiNded And aLwAYs DowN fOr Fun.... HiT ME Up mY SN iS RaGeBoI909 for both aim and yahoo.. since my aol is out for the moment LADY WISE I AM LOOKIN FOR THAT ONE COOL CHICK THATS DOWN... LIKIN ME FOR ME.... or just a FRIEND GUY WISE ANY HOMIE WORTH CHILLIN WITH is down with the fellas i chill with... I wanna meet people I've already met but don't remember....
RnB, HiP HoP, LoVe SoNgS, SloW JaMs, BoYz2MeN, BrIaN McKniGhT, TaGaLoG sOnGs. Everything really, John Mayer, Norah Jones, Jurassic 5, Black Eyed Peas, Matchbox 20, Goo Goo Dolls. soft jams and anything that has a beat and makes people feel good...
I LoVe ThEm AlL... EsPecIaLLy thOse Ones That MAke ThE giRl gRaB yOuR ArM... HAHAHA ... Matrix Trilogy, LOTR. anything... and everything... comedies.. romances and action.. didnt i say everything...
EvERyThIng WiTh ComEdY, SMALLVILLE, THE WB shows, DraGoNBALL Z Gt etc... ANIME.... Smallville, Made on MTV, One Tree Hill, Friends, Will and Grace, Scrubs...
LOTR, HaRrY PoTtEr, anD FaNtASy BooKs aNd LoVe StOriEs... Lord of the ring... harry potter... im not a big reader.. unless someone tells me to i guess...