Many of my interestes invlove me being in the company of my loved ones and friends. I get so much joy and excitement in capturing memorable moments with my camera. I love to shop and spend money. I am very interested in traveling and enjoy doing things that are out of the ordinary... I love being my own indivual and unique... "You'll never meet NE1 like me in any way, shape, or form!"
The love of my life and know at first sight that's who I will spend the rest of my life with and never regret it. I'd like to meet a friend who is truthful in every way possible and I know I can trust with my life ( My mom is one of those friends). I wish this friend to be someone to lean on in the worst and be there to celebrate the best. Someone who is real and true to themselves and doesn't have anything to hide. I'd like to meet a few superstars, but likelyness of that happening are slim.
I mainly listen to Rap and Hip Hop/R&B. I also enjoy spanish rappers from Cali (like Spanish Fly, Knight Owl, Lil' Rob). I also often listen to alternative music such as John Mayer, Green Day, Maroon 5.
Half Baked, How High, Girl Fight, Blood In and Blood Out, Beauty Shop, The Notebook, Grease, Blow, Road Trip, and many more...
I don't watch too much t.v. but when I do I enjoy watching Law and Order Special Victums Unit and the 4400.
I enjoy reading books that hook me within the first few pages. Right now I am reading Random Family and I am sooooo interested I find myself no being able to put it down.
I have a a few on my heroes list:Jesus would be my number 1. My mom would be a very close 2nd. I admire my father and his accomplishments. All the soldiers fighting for us bum Americans. And many more...