So, nobody has taken any initiative in explaining what this website is. Well, it is "KEKTONO"! Kektono is more than just music....which hasn't actually been written yet...and probably won't be written either. I think it'll just happen.
Kektono is the home of any person who feels just a little bit different....a little bit "tono" (which as some of you out there might know is Nefrenkeki for quote "special in the head but not exactly retarded, more like abnormally talented" end quote...but we'll get to Nefrenkeki in a moment.
This page is for anyone and for no one. Actually it's just a page some unknown bands decided to start because they were bored.
Nefrenkeki: This is the name of a very special (tono) language. Nefren means "nefren" and keki, as many of you know, means "language" or in other forms "speech" and in one form "asshole". So, what is kektono? Yup, Asshole Language.