I LOVE My family ,My dogs , and of course MUSIC. I don't know how anyone could function or live a happy life with out it. Ever since I was 12 music has been a big part of my life. I was a teen in the 80's ,My first love was Prince..Some of you might find that funny but you really need to listen to his 1999 album. He is really freaky. I loved him because he was so different at the time. Even now if you listen to it.HE was so creative and has such a dirty mind. I loved it and by the way still do. My husband hates it when I listen to it.But I still rock out and I know every word on that album. Incubus is my all time fav.If you want to go to a great concert you have to see Incubus, I have been to 7 of their concerts. Now I'm really into Tyrone wells.I have been to 3 of his concerts so far and that was just the begining of this year.There will be many more to come. Love you Tyrone! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
BRANDON BOYD from Incubus..I Did it!!! I met Brandon Boyd!!!Hehe.Never thought that would happen.LOVED IT!Wish I hadn't been so nervous.I was like a star struck teen :)Maybe I will try and talk next time and not forget my name..hehe J.K
Tyrone Wells!,Incubus,Solter,Buck Cherry,Cross Fade,Stone Sour,Tool,Ear Shot,Rob Zombie,Breaking Benjermens,Finch,Pat Benetar, Foo Fighters , Queen of the stone age, Perfect circle,Chevelle, Sublime, Thrice, Trapt, Mairlyn Manson, Korn, Hoobastank, Stone temple,Prince, pilots,Prince( 1999) Culture club ( I know!) You have to remember I grew up in the 80's.Avenged sevenfold, H.I.M, Yes I have my Favorite type of music,But I also like other music. I like classic rock (a lot) I like some slow music, Dance music, I HATE RAP! I think it is crap. hehe I rhymed. ALRIGHTY THEN! LATE
SEVEN!!!! Is my favorite movie ever. 12 Monkeys, Crash, Look whos talking, I love Walt Disney movies. I love anything that will make me laugh :)
House!!!! Crossing Jordon !
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This is a tough one... One of my heroes is my Mom. She has taught me so many lessons in life. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be who I am today. Your mom is the best teacher you will ever have .So pay attention and watch closely you just might change your life forever from one action. My husband is another hero in my life. He has influenced my life in so many ways. He has made me want to be a better person. He has shown me so much in my life and I'm glad God sent him to me. He's kind of hard to get to know but once you do it's so worth it. There is a place in him that he only shares with me and that makes me feel special.I know my husband loves me and I trust him with all my heart.It was so nice to find a true MAN. Honest and loving .What more could a girl ask for. He has shown me that there is hope for other women out there. Guy's like this still live on our planet. I wish more men had his values. I would have to say God is our families #1 hero.With out him we are lost souls.He makes everything possible.Thank you My children are also my heros. I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for them. Thay made life worth living. They filled my life with so much love ,happiness,stress,worries,fear,laughter.They taught me how to live.They brought me to life. What is life with out feelings and emotional rollercoasters. BORING! My life hasn't been boring since my kid's have joined it. surround yourself with people that will make you a better person. LOVE SAVED ME!