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About Me

21 ans , studying psychology in the university of Toulouse ( 5th year: MASTER !! ).
listening to Hardcore music and especially old school HxC.
Singing in the old school HxC band BEFORExTHExEND
if you want to talk with me :
[email protected] by msn messenger

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

---> MY HEROES !!! THE BEST BAND, EVER !!! <---
xCHAMPIONx.. width="425" height="350">.. ....>

8control, 25 ta life, 100 demons, a bridge to many, a wilhelm scream, after all, against your society, aguirre, alea jacta est, xALLEGIANCEx, all against the world, all for nothing, all my sins, all out war, all shall perish, altess, amanda woodward, amen râ, apocalypse now, ANOTHER BREATH, arkangel, as friends rust, as i lay dying, aussitot mort, backsight, BANE, battle! battlefields, xBETRAYEDx, black friday 29, xBLACK MY HEARTx, black summertime, bleeding through, born from pain, bsd, bunkum, burning heads, cancer bats, xCARPATHIANx, xCASEY JONESx, cave-in, CDC, CEREMONY, cephalic carnage, COMEBACK KID, common cause, confronto, converge, counting the days, CRUEL HAND, cult of luna ( only 5 minutes , snif snif snif ... ), despised icons, die young Tx, discarga, down to earth, xDOWN TO NOTHINGx, dynasty's bastards, xEARTH CRISISx, eden maine, empty visions, end of days, ENDZWECK, envy, evergreen terrace, everybody gets hurt, xFAT ASSx, fat society, fantomas, feeding, FIRST FAILURE, folsom, for the glory, FTX, fucked up, gâtechien, general lee, xgetxlostx, glasnost, GO IT ALONE, golden disctrict, grave maker, H2O, xHAVE HEARTx, heartbreak kid, high tone, imply in all, impure wilhelmina, in blood we trust, independenza, in flames, inside conflict, isp, xINTERNAL AFFAIRSx, jerusalem the black, juggernaut, justice, just went black, KILLING THE DREAM, kingdom, xKINGDOMx, knuckledust, knut, kruger, la Parade, lack, life as war, lionheart, lost in battle, M-16, madball, mans ruin, maroon, xMASTERPIECEx, maudlin, mel team plugs, merauder, microfilm, milencolin, MILES AWAY, moksha, mono, motorhead, nasty, nedgeva, nesseria, neurosis, never again, nine eleven, no guts no glory, nothing gold can stay, no turning back, none shall be saved, onesta, parkway drive, parween, pelican, pennywise, pneu, powell, primal age, xprovidencex, pulling teeth, right 4 life, rise and fall, RUINER, rythm to the madness, second smile, sequoia, settle the score, shattered realm, shorter than fast, SHIPWRECK, sick of it all, SIGNS OF HOPE, SINKING SHIPS, six ft. ditch, sling 69, stricke back, stubborn, sunpower, sworn enemy, taciturn, tanen, tang, terror, the act of fortune, the A.R.R.S., THE CARRIER, the dillinger escape plan, the force within, the grizzly twister, the international noise conspiracy, the locust, the plague, the plague mass, the river card, the robocop kraus, the servant, the third memory, the warriors, THIS IS HELL, thrashington DC, topper harley (ex-violence conjugale), trenchfoot, tromatized youth, turbonegro, unearth, xup rightsx, v13, xVERSEx, vicious circle, vitamin x, VOGUE, walls of jericho, wisdom in chains, year of no light, youssouf today...

aaron, aborted, accion mutante, active minds, asmodée, backfire!, biocide, black bomb A, blockheads, bloodclot, blood spencer, cannibal corpse, conniving silence, danny diablo, die my demon, dimmu borgir ( mdr, what a shit !!! ), do or die, eths, every six second, explicit silence, fallen, fatal nunchaku, fear my toughts, francois corbier, gojira, gronibard, hard side, hello bastards, job for a cowboy, kaly live dub, kataklysm, lengh of time, lofofora, nostromo, penalty, psykup, on the rampage, s-core, sidilarsen, skarhead, slayer, sugarman 3 & lee fields, surge of fury, textures, the berzerker, the bones, the exploited, the rudes, trigger the bloodshed, ultra vomit, unsane, vague angels, zann...

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