The Auto Body Experience is a horn-driven rock band from St. Paul, Minnesota. They play off-kilter songs written by bandleader Scott Yoho. The lyrics are often humorous and typically cover unusual topics. They might discuss digging tunnels under workplace cubes, disprove theories of heliocentric solar systems, or fondly recall CPR manikins. Stylistically, the music ranges from cartoon jazz to ska, Latin to guitar-driven pop, and reggae to gospel - often all within the course of one song.
The band formed in 1989. Since then they've shared the stage with such swell artists as Adrian Belew, Brave Combo, Dread Zeppelin, Moxy Fruvous, and Something Fierce. They've been interviewed by Terry Gross on NPR's Fresh Air, played on other national radio shows like Dr. Demento, Car Talk, The Splendid Table (they do have a cheese song), and were once heard on CNBC. Michael Feldman's What D'Ya Know has featured Auto Body Experience CDs as booby prizes. The band has toured across three states, been featured on nearly every Twin Cities radio station, and performed at most local venues. Some places have even had them back a second time.