Hi. I like brains.
I like them a lot and its nuts. I have been into neuroscience for such a long time, and I don't even know why I am that obsessed. It's facinating for sure, but it has almost consumed me.
My favourite part of the brain is the amygdala and I'm interested in its role in fear processing. Fear is my favourite emotion. Not to feel, of course. Ahem.
I also like playing video games. World of Warcraft (Main = Kilyuu, hordeside Muradin) and I am a casual player. Yes, it's true. I like Pokemon and the Mario bros. the best, but I'm a Nintendo fangirl.
I like writing stories, and drawing cartoons, though I don't do it that often.
I also have a livejournal: http://nervous-neuron.livejournal.com/profile
I vlog on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nervousneuron