Austin profile picture


For the past five--almost six years now--you haven't once looked at me with kindness in your eyes

About Me

I am the type of person who uses definitions as the focus of my "about me" section.
Freeganism: The practice of abstaining from the consumption of foods that contain animal products, except in those cases where the food is obtained for free. Popular mostly among North American anti-capitalists, freeganism is a practice that seeks to lessen rampant overconsumption, environmental destruction, waste, and exploitation in the developed world. Freegans and strict vegans both consider the practice of confining and killing animals for human consumption both environmentally unsound and unnecessarily cruel.
Veganism: Veganism is abstention from the consumption or use of animal products and products that have been tested on animals. An animal product in this context refers not only to meat but to any substance derived from an animal. Individuals become vegans for a variety of reasons: to support animal rights, for health benefits, for moral, ethical, religious and/or spiritual reasons, for political reasons, and/or environmental concerns.
Straight edge: advocates abstinence in relation to tobacco, alcohol and recreational drug use (especially psychoactive and stimulant drug use), and in relation to promiscuous sexual behavior.
Feminism: a diverse collection of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies, largely motivated by or concerning the experiences of women, especially in terms of their social, political, and economic situation. As a social movement, feminism largely focuses on limiting or eradicating gender inequality and promoting women's rights, interests, and issues in society.
Socialism: the core belief that society should exist in which popular collectives control the means of power, and therefore the means of production. In Marxist theory, it also refers to the society that would succeed or supplant capitalism, and would later develop further into communism, as the necessity for the socialist structure would wither away. Marxism and communism are both branches of socialism.
Anti-foundationalism: a term applied to any philosophy which rejects a foundationalist approach; i.e., an anti-foundationalist is one who does not believe that there is some fundamental belief or principle which is the basic ground or foundation of inquiry and knowledge. Anti-foundationalists use logical or historical/geneological attacks on foundational concepts, often coupled with alternative methods for justifying and forwarding intellectual inquiry, such as the pragmatic subordination of knowledge to practical action or Otto Neurath's boat metaphor, according to which human knowledge is like a ship at sea which can never be dismantled and rebuilt, but rather must be repaired by workmen who, in order to replace any one plank, have to stand on planks which themselves may later have to be replaced.
Philosophical skepticism: a philosophical position according to which much of what we normally take as knowledge is not knowledge, or is not justified. The most extreme skepticism holds that no belief can ever be justified. An example of a more moderate form of skepticism is the view that we lack knowledge of the external world because our beliefs about the external world are not absolutely certain.
Religious and Scientific skepticism: a scientific, or practical, position in which one questions the veracity of extraordinary claims, and seeks to prove or disprove them using the scientific method.
Relativism: the view that the meaning and value of human beliefs and behaviors have no absolute reference. Relativists claim that humans understand and evaluate beliefs and behaviors only in terms of, for example, their historical and cultural context.
Anarchy: is a term that has several usages. Specific meanings include:
1. Absence of any form of state.
2. Societal harmony through voluntary cooperation.
3. Political disorder and confusion.
4. Absence of a ruler, ruling class, ruling political party or parties, or power elite.
In Summary:
I am Vegan.
I am Straightedge.
I am in a band called "Another Emotion."
I am in school for my B.A. and to study the Japanese Language.
I dance, quite poorly, at Cathedral.
I try to be a good person.
I love philosophy, religion, and politics:
(Postmodernism, Anti-foundationalism, Relativism)
(Pantheism, Buddhism, Taoism, Wicca)
(Friedrich Nietzsche, Soren Kierkegaard, Peter Singer)
Friedrich Nietzsche: Ecce Homo
"immortality of the soul",
"beyond" –
Without exception, concepts to which I have never devoted any attention, or time; not even as a child.
Perhaps I have never been childlike enough for them?
I do not by any means know atheism as a result; even less as an event: It is a matter of course with me, from instinct.
I am too inquisitive, too questionable, too exuberant to stand for any gross answer.
God is a gross answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers -- at bottom merely a gross prohibition for us: you shall not think!

Leonard Cohen's "The Partisan"
When they poured across the border
I was cautioned to surrender,
this I could not do;
I took my gun and vanished.
I have changed my name so often,
I've lost my wife and children
but I have many friends,
and some of them are with me.
An old woman gave us shelter,
kept us hidden in the garret,
then the soldiers came;
she died without a whisper.
There were three of us this morning
I'm the only one this evening
but I must go on;
the frontiers are my prison.
Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing,
through the graves the wind is blowing,
freedom soon will come;
then we'll come from the shadows.
Les Allemands e'taient chez moi,
[The Germans were at my home]
ils me dirent, "Signe toi,"
[They said, "Sign yourself,"]
mais je n'ai pas peur;
[But I am not afraid]
j'ai repris mon arme.
[I have retaken my weapon.]
J'ai change' cent fois de nom,
[I have changed names a hundred times]
j'ai perdu femme et enfants
[I have lost wife and children]
mais j'ai tant d'amis;
[But I have so many friends]
j'ai la France
[I have all of France]
Un vieil homme dans un grenier
[An old man, in an attic]
pour la nuit nous a cache',
[Hid us for the night]
les Allemands l'ont pris;
[The Germans captured him]
il est mort sans surprise.
He died without surprise.]
Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing,
through the graves the wind is blowing,
freedom soon will come;
then we'll come from the shadows.

Who would I Like to Meet??
A) Anarchists and Socialists.
B) Communists and Feminists.
C) Raw foodists and Dumpster-divers.
D) Vegans and Vegetarians.
E) Whose who are Straight edge and Drug Free.
F) I'd like to meet girls who don't let guys into their pants easily.
G) Those who are worth meeting, but don't quite fit into categories.

"When on a Sunday morning we hear the bells ringing, we ask ourselves: it is possible! This is going on because of a Jew crucified 2,000 years ago who said he was the son of God. The proof of such an assertion is lacking. In the context of our age the Christian religion is certainly a piece of antiquity intruding out of distant ages past, and that the above-mentioned assertion is believed is perhaps the most ancient piece of the inheritance. A god who begets children on a mortal woman; a sage who calls upon us no longer to work, no longer to sit in judgment, but to heed the signs of the imminent end of the world; a justice which accepts an innocent man as a substitute sacrifice; someone who bids his disciples drink his blood; prayers for miraculous interventions; sins perpetrated against a god atoned for by a god; fear of a Beyond to which death is the gateway; the figure of the Cross as a symbol in an age which no longer knows the meaning and shame of the Cross-how gruesomely all this is wafted to us, as if out of the grave of a primeval past! Can one believe that things of this sort are still believed in?"
-- Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human.
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
Finally: I have a sense of humor. See this proves it:
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My Interests

Evolution is both a fact and a theory.

It's a shame that theory is so often confused with a claim yet to be proven, ignorance like this is inexcusable.

The data to prove that evolution is occuring, is all around us. The theory or mechanism in which it occurs is being discussed by the worlds best scientists everyday.

Here is a small list of Evolutionary references I've compiled:

29 Evidences for MACROEVOLUTION.

A great summation of evolution.

A rebuttal to someone who doesn't understand evolution.

On Observed Speciation and Speciation Models:

Salamanders and Songbirds

More details on the salamanders, with additional links

London mosquitos

Another article on Himalayan song birds

Speciation by reinforcement

Lots of examples here

More examples

Speciation models

Links on examples and models

More on the London mosquitos

Ringed-speciation model and examples, plus links

In Drosophila (fruit flies)

On Behavior, Reciprocal Altruism and the Evolution of Behavior:

Behavior models (registration required)

The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals

Chimps show sense of fair play

Genes, altruism and evolution (with more links)

Reciprocal altruism

Kin selection and reciprocal altruism

On the Evolution of Complexity


Evolution of human intellect and diet

Evolution of language

Music and the relation to language (registration required)

Evolution of religious memes

Bacteria flagella

Avida Digital evolution

More on the evolution of religion

Complex evolution in the laboratory

The eye

The brain

I'd like to meet:

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As for the group at Mira Costa College that retains the subculture of Anime and learning the Japanese language, they are important to me yet too vast to properly represent them on my Top Friend's list. Here they are, in all their fame and glory, the people who make my educational life so much more enduring and entertaining!

Shawn Beaty is an amazing character who inspires me to study languages (Koine Greek, Aramaic) and develop stronger reasoning for my beliefs. He is very successful on a social respect (Pastoring a church) as well as a personal respect (wife and children).

Paul Morgan Zadok Cunningham. One of the best friends I ever had, one of the best poets I’ve ever heard, one of the best musicians I have ever played with.

Jacob is a genius. His conversations are never dull. We have known each other since we were like ten. We both have developed ourselves over time in relation to eachother—always discussing religion and politics throughout our times together. I am deeply in debt to him.

Mathias. Not many people will eat a raw habanero pepper with you. Nor with they eat a whole raw onion with you. Nor will they go for long walks at midnight on the coldest night of the year. Nor will they double the fun you have at college or help you out constantly with out of state road trips to Anime Conventions....Mathias is a super tight bucket of fun! (Except when he fucks all my female friends).

Victoria. The most important female friend I’ve had in my life for the past two years, I’d say. I care for her deeply and wish the best for all that she hopes to do. She is a wonderful artist and her dreams are quite extravagant!

Desiree. If I were Clyde, she would be Bonnie. We make a great team and get to have lots of miscellaneous adventures together. She is proof that some friendships are worth flying people out-of-state in order for them to develop!



My Friend Space
I have no real friends.






Pastor Shawn Beaty



My Mother: Lynn

My sister: Alicia

My sister: Alice

My Aunt: Vanessa


Seven generations (Vegan Straight edge)

Norma Jean

The Great Dictator!

Animal Liberation Front Support

Support Peter Young!

Raw Vegan and Fruitarians!

Planned Parenthood!










10,000 Maniacs
A Fire Inside
Agoraphobic Nosebleed
Anal Cunt
Another Emotion
As cities burn
As I Lay Dying
A Static Lullaby
At the gates
At the drive-in

Beloved (us)
Black Sabbath
The Black Dahlia Murder
Bleeding Through
Bo Diddley
Body Count
Bruce Springsteen
Buried Alive

Cannibal Corpse
Cattle Decapitation
The Chariot
Comeback Kid
Cradle of Filth
The Cranes
The Cure
Curl Up and Die

Damien Rice
The Death Campaign
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Dolly Parton
The Doors

Earth Crisis
Eso Charis
Evergreen Terrace
Everytime I die

The Faint
Falling Cycle
Final Fantasy Soundtracks
From Autumn to Ashes
Funeral For A Friend

Horse the band

Inked in blood

Job for a cowboy
Joy Division

Kate Bush

The Locust

Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids
Minor Threat
Most Precious Blood

Natalie Merchant
Nine Inch Nails
Nodes of Ranvier
Noise Ratchet
Norma Jean

Officer Negative

Patti Smith
Payable on Death
Pearl Jam
PJ Harvey
Point of recognition
Pulse Legion

Rage Against the Machine
Rise Against

Scars of Tomorrow
Shai Hulud
Sinai Beach
Skinny Puppy
Society's Finest
Some Girls
Sore Throat
Story of the Year
Straylight Run
System of a Down

Taking Back Sunday
Tears of Gaia
This Blessed Hope
Tom Waits
Tori Amos
Torn in Two

The Used

Vegan Reich
VNV Nation

Xdeath starX
XdiscipleX A.D.
Xseven GenerationsX


My Blog

Issue Three is released: sue_3.pdfLots of awesome pictures at the end.
Posted by Austin on Thu, 22 May 2008 09:31:00 PST

Animaiton Liberation Issue 2 is released! (free download)

Even though the magazine was completely written on January 20th, it took just over a month to get to formatted, the cover done!  I just uploaded Issue Two of Animation Liberation Magazine.  ...
Posted by Austin on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 02:13:00 PST

This is sleep when they remove the warmth from our little house

Strange Days... The past seventy two hours have pretty much been a collective haze for me.  I have been sleeping in two hour naps here and there, and have been wandering from place to place (Wor...
Posted by Austin on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 06:08:00 PST

Simple update: "i know, i know, she’ll be gone before I get home."

In case that last post was a little too heavy for anyone, I figured I'd post about myself. I'm well.  Really really broke, and juggling lots of finances for mid-2008.  I've been working a lo...
Posted by Austin on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 06:02:00 PST

The stage is set for you, oh actor.

"In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts, and in living color, you are going to see another first: an attempted suicide." In any situation there is no end to a...
Posted by Austin on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 05:45:00 PST


I RELEASED A MAGAZINE!!!! 7.pdf  ...
Posted by Austin on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:12:00 PST

I own an abused dog:

For the time being, I own a dog.Someone abandoned a Chihuahua just outside my workplace on Sunday. My sister found it at 5PM and notified me about it and I told her to wait it out to see if the owner...
Posted by Austin on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 08:08:00 PST

Devon Jodka (1988-2007)

Devon Jodka passed away.  I have one moment with him that is all I can honestly contribute.About a year ago, Devon disappeared for a while and managed to cause a sort of search group/gossip aroun...
Posted by Austin on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 07:15:00 PST

An update "I remember"

For the past few days, I've been waking up at 5 PM.  It is a pretty unhealthy situation, if I do say so myself.  I'm over at Jacob's house.  He crashed out two hours ago (5 AM), and I t...
Posted by Austin on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:29:00 PST

Maryam Haley Died: ++++++++++++++ Start: Your lover beats you up and tries kidnapping youhe gets arrested. Month One: You marry this man. Month Two: You're murdered. ...
Posted by Austin on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:33:00 PST