Music, Performing, dance, Art, Horoscopes, Knitting, my doggies, Passions, Friends, Starbucks,
My past lives. John Travolta, AL Gore, Barbra Striesand, Rosie O'Donnell, JOhn Stamos, Frank SInatra, Rudy Guiliani, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Britney Spears, Anne Frank, Roald Dahl, Steve Martin, Diana Ross, Debra Gibson, Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Jesus :)
Showtunes,ALL Motown, DMB, Maroon 5, Linda Eder, Frank Motown, Britney Spears, Disco, Corrine Bailey Rae, Oldies but Goodies! Wicked, Ice cream truck music. Movie Soundtracks,Lauryn Hill, Aretha Franklin, 80's.
Oh boy..too too many........ So I stick with the The Wizard of Oz. I enjoy Tim Burton as well. And most 80's movies.
Passions,Sex and the City. The Golden Girls, American Idol Facts Of Life, The Nanny, Saved By the Bell, Sylvia Browne Wednesdays, Ellen.
ANY ROALD DAHL!! Matilda, Willy Wonka, The Witches, The BFG, ANY silvia Browne, People Magazine. US Weekly. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
my Mom