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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Wats up, my naMe is MiCheL..Im a ReaL dOwN EaRth PErSOn. IM uNique In mY OwN waY,Im GreaT WIt PEoPle, I LoVe Makin NEw FRienDs,IMA Big AsS kid, I thiNk Life should be liVed 2 FuLlesT, BecUz You DUnO if theRe WIll Be a tommorOW. Ya fEEl Me?!?!? I dO Have High expectationS fOr MySELf. BecUz ima SMarT aSS Kid. Life So far has been preTTi ROcky, " KinDa like playin CArDs With A shITty asS Hand". But I deaL With It, nd keep my head uP. FoR thOse wHo know Me, knOw that im an outgoing guy, gOod pErsOnality, alwaYs dOwn foR anythING. I make frieNDs with everyOne, as LOng as yOU kNow, YOur Shit stiNGs just like everyONe else's, we can bE fRieNDs. I don't like liars, BEcauSe they Just Get You INTO TROUBLE. I Love anything that has 2 dO witH speed, from drag RacinG, 2 ridinG my bIke. ima SPEED JUNKIe!!! IM CURreNTly sINGle, IM tireD OF DatINg, bitCHe's nd FaKe fEmaLe'S... SO if you got DRaMA Save it for sOmeBODY elSe. SRy, but im STr8 2 the POint. IM stiLL LoOkin fOr that WifEy...SOo GeT at Me, Ya DIGG! I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics

My Interests

WaTeVa SoUNDz goOD..lol

I'd like to meet: