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Jaggy deh yah !!!!!

About Me

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I'm just a simple guy looking to enjoy life and live life to the fullest. (within the legal limits....most times) .. .. .. .. .. ..

My Interests

Music, Entertainment,Cars, Aircraft, Computers, Models, Women. (had to save the best for last !!)Nissan Skyline R34 GTR run shit. Don't let nothin' fool yuh.

I'd like to meet:

Pretty much anybody. Once you're cool and shit then jus' link me.


Everything, pretty much. Including some country...depends on the song.glumbert.com - One Woman Band


All James Bond flicks. Some gangster shit, action...all Samuel L. Jackson movies and some other shit...can't remember them right now.


Family Guy (Stewie and Quagmire..da boss), South Park, National Geographic and Discovery . Apart from that I don't really watch alot of tv.


Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The Lunatic (funny nuh rass) and some other shit.


Hmmm, have to think more on this one.

My Blog

Airline Pilots

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFuzMpLc71c Gotta love the view....
Posted by Jaggy on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 07:09:00 PST