rust,safe cracking,wine,religious candles,faded signs,dilapidated barns,shaking my fist at the sky,deep breaths,building tattoo machines,honest true eyes,weird old stuff,burying treasure in caves,WD40,scriptology,unexplainable fits of crying,the pacific ocean,good smelling necks,picking locks,worn out shoes,rapid tap oil,5 pound bags of oranges,iron skillets, old junk stores,sad gypsy music,secret coded messages,new drill bits,fingerbanging, birdcages, telling tall tales,pranks and flying kites with my boy Forrest.
a heart like mine......
yes... and..
it's funny to see my son go as ape shit over this show as i did when i was a kid! LAND of the LOST, BITCHES!!!!
the universal penman by george bickam.
the Dread Pirate Roberts