His name is Dick, Catch my drift? profile picture

His name is Dick, Catch my drift?

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm aN eASy-gOiNG pERSon, vERy OuTGoiNg, OpEn-MiNDeD,CaRinG,HoNeSt,AnD I lOvE hAViNg fUn.I'm A GreAT LiSTenEr ANd A GoOD FriEND.HOwEVeR I dO hAvE mY dAyS WhERe I cAN bE A mAjOR BITCH...sO I'm nOt gONnA sUgARcOat iT fOR yOU. IT's nOThIng tO bE AFrAid Of It's jUsT My PsYcHOtiCneSs...lOl. THerE iS NoThiNg oUt Of tHe oRiDnAry aBoUt mE...I'M jUst A rEgUlAr tEenAgE gIRl tRyiN tO fInd mYsElF aGaiN. HoWEvEr I CAn Be WeiRD AT TImeS So If yOU ThINk YoU CAN KeEp Up WiTH My CHAnGEs, Go AheaD. I'm nOt hErE fOR yOu tO jUDgE mE nOr Do I nEed yOuR aPpRovAl fOR thE cRaZy ShiT I dO iN mY liFe.ThEre Is oNlY onE lifE tO liVe aNd I FoR oNe cHoOSe tO gO OUt WiTh A BiG fuckin BANG! I CaN bE VeRy HaRsh, RuDE,AnD bLuNt WitH pEOpLE, bUt I jUSt HaVE To SaY wHAt's On mY MIND,I'm N0t a BaD pErSon, I jUSt HAvE s0mE fLaWs. UnDerNeATH iT aLL I'm JuSt a sWeEthEaRt...SeXyYaRiYaDigZ10(AIM)or PSyChoThicNUnMediCAted(msn)
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My Interests

Starin up at the night sky, thinking of my next victim .

I'd like to meet:

My Inner self...I'd like to ask her a series of questions.

My inner self tends to do this alot....wow she's a freak
Go Crazy,and touch yourself
Gimme somebody thats crazi and loves to laugh.*Thinks* I got many of those around, guess thats why I always have a smile on my face....Thanx to people like Pamtastic,Franklin,Wesley, and Paperboy. By the way, do me a favor, when you masturbate think of me...trust me you'll bust a nut!




Anything worth watching

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I read bitch!...Thats all you need to know.


I am my own hero
When I fall, I rise,
When I fail, I try harder,
When I break, I get stronger,
When I'm pushed, I fight back,
And when Im challenged, I get smarter.

*Aging to get wiser*

My Blog

Nonsense that doesnt make sense.

When you weren't there I cried and when you didn't care I'd die. You're too blind to see what I put right in front of your face. Pay attention and read between the lines. It doesn't take more than com...
Posted by His name is Dick, Catch my drift? on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:39:00 PST

A little insight

   Every guy is out to get you, in their own little way....So if I know something should I tell you. How dumb enough can you be to realize it'll never change. Doesnt matter the circumstances...
Posted by His name is Dick, Catch my drift? on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:30:00 PST

The guy in my room

You asked me to love you..I told you to go fuck yourself...lol...You told me not to cry...I replied What the fuck am I suppose to do when it hurts so much?....You said hold on to me and never let...
Posted by His name is Dick, Catch my drift? on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:35:00 PST