miss kisa********************************************************
For those of you who visited my website....you should remember this:Aight, whattup bitches. This is where i tell you who the fuck i am. Imma weed smokin bong tokin, serial killa klown. I do drugz YAY. I do a bunch of other stupid shit. lemme give you a little look into my mind:
-----------Insanity, a fuckin man in me. A juggalo, scrubby though. Aint got shit, Still won't quit, and i will neva be legit. My mind, what the fuck is that. if you knew, you'd run, trust me. Insanity brews in all i know. But the insanity inside does nothing but grow. Power. You wanna see power i got it. But once you have it, absorb it, abuse it, then grab it by the balls. You know. those are your balls. Your the one caught. Who lives in these walls of this holy brain? Not holy from the man they call jebus, these are swiss cheese holes. To big to close. There's no therapy, no doctors, no fuckin preacher who could mend these holes together. Would i rather them in my heart. In my being, in myself. HELLZ NAH!. I trip, I fall. I trip, I crawl, I roll, I am, I live, I die,I am one big fuckin cause and effect. What is caused by me, and what is caused by them. I will be the circle entering my mouth. I will be the slip of paper stuck to my tongue ring. I will be the cause to have an effect. I will no longer be chiseled by you. Give me mighty smoke of the earth. I want it, i need it, i am it. I dont smoke pot. I am pot. I absord pot. I think ill change my name to mary (but mary is a girl's name) my girls name. my mother, my wife, my aunt, shit even my father. I love you mary, you da shit, by many names i know you. But a bud, by any other name, is still some good ass shit! no, no rage, no homicidal thoughts, people r watching, To kill= to let go. to will= to be free. which is me? the man who hates the world, or the man who loves to make people happy. could hate be happy. i hate...i hate all and everything. I hate myself, y not give them the same treatment as myself, it fits, it worx. i am hate. i do hate, i live hate. hate is me and i am it but love, what is love....yin-yang, wrong-right; things must fit, things must have opposites, you must have one with the other. life has pairs if i hate so much i must love. i have to love, i cannot deny love, but what do i love more than pot....i love to hate. for i am hate, which means i am love, but to me love is nothing....so it is true i am nothing...-------------
Purple Pleezy's Past Lives
517 BC : Roman Gladiator
1391 AD : A trophy wife
1725 AD : A famous person
'What were you in your past lives?' at QuizGalaxy.com