computers,chess,twangy geetars,devshed,open source (damn you myspace and your coldfusion, auto-mo-beeeels, the Detroit Pistons...
other computers
Spoon, Elliott Smith, superdrag, Nada Surf, Mineral, Wolfie, Keane, Tally Hall, At the Drive-In, bear vs. shark
Dark Crystal, Pirates of Silicon Valley, The Big Lebowski, Army of Darkness, anything involving Bill Murray, Charlie Kaufmann, David Lynch, Gus Van Sant, or the Coen Brothers.
30 rock, intervention, america's most smartest model, cops, the office, californication, weeds
Anything by Raymond Carver, "Lucky or Smart?" by Bo Peabody, PHP Cookbook, "JavaServer Pages" by Hans Bergston
Brad Host, Robert G. Whitesides, Norris A. Host, Alec Baldwin, Elliott Smith, Rasmus Lerdorf