my jeremy, learning to move, learning to be still, my adorable and faithful friends, thank you. my nephews, owen and dylan! the virg, costuming, choreographing, bodhicitta belly dance, local music..(nashville, man yeah), laughing, green tea lattes.....****************************************** Bodhicitta performs with my darling and amazing Jeremy Lister in Louisville. clip courtesy of Ryan Kendrick's ROCKIN' film-making abilities. love you Melanie for taking care of our boys! love you Kelby for your master string changin' madness. Jeremy is beautiful. ee.
rediscovering things you love but haven't heard in a while is really neato.and really, truly...the art of composition is astonishing.
movie quotes. wee!
at the moment: 'i love you is back' and chogyam trungpa
my mom, paula, my grandad, my sweet little dylan and..the next singing lister, owen!: