..video of our visit to the 12 tribes by Joe!
my photography
our flickr page
..video of our visit to the 12 tribes by Joe!
my photography
our flickr page
photography, songs, long trails, camping, travel, science, gardening
someone who makes me calm
Jesse has internet friendsThe Handsome Family, Will Oldham, Nick Drake, Mt. Eerie, Pixies, Here Comes A Big Black Cloud, Mixel Pixel, Sonic Youth, Les Savy Fav, Unicorns, The Apples in Stereo, Zombies, Quintron & Miss Pussycat, the dB's, Frank Black, The Microphones, Austin Meredith, Josephine Foster, Elf Power, Iron and Wine, The Fiery Furnaces, Mission Giant, Jethro Tull, Call Florence Pow, Neutral Milk Hotel, Deerhoof, Jefferson Airplane, Lylas, Cat Power, Man Man, Gentle Giant, The Magnetic Fields, The Kinks, The Modern Lovers, Of Montreal, Phantom Buffalo, Wooden Wand & the Vanishing Voice
Altered States, Logan's Run, The Last Unicorn, Harold and Maude, LOTR Trilogy, Clerks, The Lover, Waking Life, O' Brother Where Art Thou?, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ghost World, Easy Rider, Metroland, American Splendor, Naked Lunch, Deliverance, Spider Baby, Ed Wood, Old Joy
J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Pirsig, Edward Abbey, Henry D. Thoreau, Jack Kerouac, Ernest Hemingway, C.S Lewis, Douglas Adams, Frank Herbert, George MacDonald, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Daniel C. Dennett