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Protect the Environment, or ill fucking kill you. - Captain Planet

About Me

Life Changes, Life goes on, and sometimes life stops, but ill still be here.
Hi, Im Jon. What you will find here is a chaos-infused menagerie of interests and projects. In early 2006, after two years of beating around the bush, i started my own production company to come up with some free media content for the folks traveling "teh intarwebs". Arma Systema Productions isnt fully fleshed out yet, but ive got the content and thats where it all starts. Numerous other ideas and random layabouts swirl in my head, too many to name really, but rest assured that im always busy.
It should be said that i am very strong armed in certain views, but not to the point of forcing my ideas on others. For instance, i dont believe weve gotten the whole story on 9/11, I dont hate gay people, blacks, jews, or muslims or any other large scale life practice. And id rather die impaled on my own kukri knife blade than join the "church" of Scientology. These are simply MY views, and i am entitled to them. Please dont come here and tell me that im a bad person or that im wrong simply because i dont think the way you do. I understand that not everyone sees it like i do, but its my right and im gonna stand by it.
What about me? Well really im just a 21 year old fixture. Ive forgotten more knowledge than youve even learned in your short time on this planet. I can build a slots machine from the ground up, fix your computer, tell you the exact price of your favorite video game the year it came out, troubleshoot your 11,000 dollar projection system, run your PA at your bands first live concert, sing every line of all the songs in my music library, and talk on the radio for hours about that new gadget youve got in your pocket.....Just to name a few. My knowledge isnt absolute, but you better well bet that if your friends dont know about it, i most likely do.
I enjoy Motoring around the internet alot, sitting at home, watching movies, playing video games (almost religiously), listening to music, being on internet radio, and contemplating the state of world society whenever ive got a few minutes to spare. Its all just a blur from here, and i intend to make since of the world i live in as long as ive got the freedom to do so. Common Sense, its not just the name of a book.....For the best documentaries on the planet, make sure to go to

Myspace Layouts at / Binary

My Interests

Stryker, Xeno, Greatness, Ted, Dragonfly, GI Drow and the rest of the crew at www.qcf.caInternet radio, Meditation, my friends and family. And anyone who can keep a decent conversation going for more than 5 minutes

I'd like to meet:

Someone who likes me for who i am. Im not perfect, and i know that, but i am a good person and i care about the way i live my life as much as the next person. Not enough people give me credit, or maybe too impatient to watch me progress. But im a smart, easy going guy who will succeed in life. Dont expect the perfect person overnight, work toward being the best person you can be, and then see where life takes you.I run a Guild on World of Warcraft called Knights of the Circle. I play on a private server (information here ) So you will probably see me there if you want to play WoW for free. When im not working, thats typically what i do.


Nine Inch Nails, Deftones, A Perfect Circle, Autolux, Saul Williams, Silverchair, Alice in Chains, Tool, Depeche Mode, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Tweaker, Celldweller, Mc Chris, Mc Frontalot, Optimus Ryhme, Dave Mathews Band, John Mayer, Teddy Geiger, Clutch, Bush (the band not the president), Gorillaz, Beck, Henry Rollins, LCD Soundsystem, Massive Attack, The Prodigy, Aphex Twin, DangerDoom, and from time to time i do like a little Jay-Z......thats right, i said it.


-The Matrix -Boondock Saints -Clerks -Garden State -This is Spinal Tap -Monty Python and the Holy Grail -Serenity -Appleseed -Ghost in the Shell -Akira -others.....


Battlestar Galactica, Scrubs, The IT Crowd, The Office (UK and US versions), Doctor Who, and lots of [adult swim] for good measure


The Underground Zealot TrilogyAl Franken, Sean Kennedy, William Gibson, and Saul Williams are all great authors


Bill Hicks, Alex Jones, Dylan Avery for the excellent film Loose Change (which exposes our government as the terrorists who attacked us on September 11th), and anyone who will stand up and fight for the truth in this information war.

My Blog

The Accident

Ill give you the story just so everyone gets what the bulletin was about.For any of you wondering why i posted it, i just wanted a friend because i was scared and didnt know what to do.Today i started...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 05:42:00 PST

Responsibility Part Two

Turns out that VMC job was a scam. I quit and came home during lunch today.Then i got a call from Brandon. I used to go to church with Brandon. Turns out he needed someone savvy with computers to run ...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:20:00 PST

Misadventures in Responsibility

Here i sit at 7:30 in the morning, a changed man.My first day of work is today, and already ive been put in a management trainee program. Last night was supposed to be a night of drunken foolishness. ...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:06:00 PST

The Weekend, In Summary

So last night i go and hang out with Chris. Chris is an old friend from Carpetburn, a site i was forum mod for back in 2004. He tells me he just bought a new place and he invited some friends over to ...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 06:15:00 PST

Job "Sitting"

Most people would call what i do job "Hunting".....but the word hunting entails that im finding a job, and then capturing it.....this is not the case.I, as i should be, am incredibly sick of waiting r...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 01:24:00 PST

Anger Issues

My anger at the current moment can be summed up quite easilyIts like when my car got crashed into by some anonymous asshole in a parking lot and i didnt realize it for a day.Or when i caught an ex che...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 03:18:00 PST

Im a Huge Moron.

But being a huge moron pays.I stripped the 80 gig drive. Pulled all the points on the wires and soldiered everything back in place. One of the placement screws on the inside bracket was bent so i bent...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:14:00 PST


see now i wouldnt go to OKC for a band like Tool.......i really like Tool, but i think it would be cooler at another venue.....a closer venue.Now assured that i would travel to fucki...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 01:16:00 PST

Part Two

Ive been online all day trying to figure out solutions to the problem i mentioned in my last blog. I found a drive backup program that will pull the info off my drive and back it up on to a series of ...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:08:00 PST


Disk Error - Cyclic Redundancy Check....This is the error message i came home to today.Essentially, the 80 gigabyte external hard drive on which i store most of my movies, radio shows, audio books, an...
Posted by Pinion_Blue on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 10:19:00 PST