Hey I am Pred X aka Tasha Salad aka Ghost Majik aka Blackie aka Carved In Stone But my Grandma calls me Corey. I am a Musician. I have played Guitar for about 15 years and Bass for about 3. I play Bass for my band Predicate. I also have a side project called Carved In Stone Which is pretty much just me locked in my room and recording stuff that is different or weird. Sometimes I have a friend or two sit in. I am a Punk 100% Give me the Misfits or Dead Kennedys and a 12 pack of Old Style and Im Good To Go! I also have a Punk/Accoustic/Porn/Parody Side project that has been an on again off again thing for about the past 7 years called The Dirty Uncles (aka Uncle Billy Bob's Down Home Porno Factory, aka Porno Factory)and our main goal is to get all of the selling out bullshit out of the way before we acctually sell out. Click on the link to Hear our Kinks/2 Live Crew Parody of 1 on 1. I have a 1 year old daughter Brittany that I love very much.
Sometimes I am online with a messanger here are my SN's
YaHoo!: genh8
AOL Instant Messanger: pred X Beast
MSN: [email protected]
Sorry No ICQ in my opinion IT SUX!
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Sinkwhole - Murder The Outside (Highly Fucking Rare)
I AM 94% PUNK ROCK! I am PUNK AS FUCK! The model punk. I care not for anything. I kick ass, but probably smell really bad. Take the PUNK ROCK test at Fuali.com