Well what can I say.. I am your typical tall blonde hair, blue eyed girl. I love the rain especially when you have someone to hold you. I love animals.. My dogs biff, hay, roxy, bella, and hurley, my cat starr, and the most specail thing to me ever my horse gally, there are also three new members of the animal fam, Rascal my puppy, and two new horses, pokey & Sonya. I work five days a week and when I am not doing that you can find me out at my trainers barn riding my horses. The one thing that a guy can do to still my heart is send me roses.. I know its sounds to typical but what can I say I am a sucker for roses. I have a lot of important people in my life, my mom, dad, brother michael and brandon, and my new sister Jenn. I love my friends who have always been there for me, you know who you are, and if your guessing if your one of them, then your truly not.
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