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I am here for Friends

About Me

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----------------------------------------------------------- As far as i can remember, there was that comics paper smell that i loved. I could spent each cents i had in my pocket to read those adventures, SpiderMan, IronMan ant the all Marvel gang. I was around twelve and my money was coming from the gigs i had with the familly band, my father was running at the time... great years. Those smells, moments of magic travels never leaves you. It's like a fondation youre soul needs to build, to express who you are and show you things you have to do. I really discoverd Jon Favreau in that awesome Soprano's episode, and bought a few days later a "Swingers" Dvd, sold for three euros in a Marseille shop. The disk was swimming around with a bunch of desperated unsold, one-of-a-kind dvds. It's hard to describe the emotion you might feel, whatching that kind of film. That incredible humanity and humour that really talks to you. A painting of emotions and doubts that every person or even artist may have been through. Because you may have been as well, that guy or women sated down in the dark losting every kind hope. That movie and the Jon's carreer is a lesson about joy and patience... as we sometimes need... Of course i could talk for hours about Made, Elfs, Dinner for five, Hotroads, cinema and 50's... and i will ! With a great cup of coffee and some good friends, cause those little moments, are a part of the most precious things in life...Take Care, J.L Luddeni. Marseille France. ----------------------------------------------------------- Jon Favreau, ce fut tout d'abord une rencontre avec un film, aujour'd'hui culte pour beaucoups: "Swingers", une sorte d'"American Graffiti", profondément émouvant et drôle, réalisé avec peut de moyens et beaucoups de coeur. Cette oeuvre de Doug Liman, est en fait une quasi-biographie scénarisée et co-produit par Jon Favreau. On y partage les déboires de jeunes acteurs fraichement débarqué à L.A et peinant à remplir leur frigo, Sur fond d'esthétique 50's et de drame sentimental. C'est aussi l'occasion de découvrir avec tendresse et émotion, Vince Vaughn, Ron Livingston, Heather Graham et Patrick Van Horn, bien avant leurs réussite hollywoodienne et illuminant un film jubilatoire et intimiste, de scène véccues. Depuis Jon a réalisé, produit ou écrit, nombre de films, téléfilms, série T.V, ou Shows T.V, ou interprété bien des personnages: Made, Elf, Zathura, Dinner for Five et d'autres encore. Une patience, une passion et une détermination, qui lui ont permit de prétendre aujourd'hui à la réalisation et production de "IronMan". Joué par Robert Downey JR sous le Casque de l'homme d'acier, ce film sera le premier, entièrement produit par les "Marvel Studios". Et c'est le Ranch ILM de Georges Lucas, qui donnera corps aux effets spéciaux. Prévoyez donc les popcorns pour Mai 2008 ! Le fan Marvellien que je suis, trépigne d'inpatience à l'idée de voir apparaitre à l'écran ce héros mythique ! Nous vous souhaitons un bon voyage sur Favreau's, en vous espérant nombreux et divertis sur cette page ou club virtuel ! A bientôt...

My Interests

Why Favreau's ? We never really leave or child bedroom, with all those posters and trophys nailed on the walls. The good thing is that on myspace, everybody can visit youre room and you don't even have to hide your dirtys underweare... By the way: soon i'm gonna post here some great french reviews about IronMan... Ok! it's going to be translated in english for those who might wanna read this.

I'd like to meet:

IronMan New Awesome Trailer........... Iron Man Exclusive Trailer
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------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- Dinner for Five: "Wild West"... ----------------------------------------------------------- Some of Jon's gigs... Acting, Writing, producing and Ac Cobra destruction ! (that scene is too hard for me even thougt i know it's a fake one !) ..
----------------------------------------------------------- Swingers -----------------------------------------------------------S wingers ----------------------------------------------------------- some of my Swingin'favorite moments... ..


Favreau' 2.0 is currently using a "Fav&Smile" technology. "Fav&Smile" enhance youre myspace performances and strongly apply a Favreau-Monalisa-look to youre creations.


Some T.V and movies appearences, films productions, Awards : Made, Guys choice awards for Swingers, Rocky Marciano, Friends, The Breack up, Elf...

My Blog

So far... good press here !

So far, the french press, paper mags and specialized tv shows, seems to really dig Ironman. They really aclaim Robert's performance as a charismatic elegant Iron-Dandy heroe. And of course,  they...
Posted by Favreau's on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:55:00 PST

Thanks !

I felt free to had or redesign some elements on the pics you may find on Favreau’s so they can feet into the black & white page spirit as magazines covers or posters. Some illustrations...
Posted by Favreau's on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 02:35:00 PST