2: Leave a comment. Make the haemoglobins laugh heartily as something is chopped up.
3: Download a song or two and play them at parties. Women will want a lot of teabagging directly afterwards and men will never need viagra again. Also, listening makes you drunk quicker and more attractive.
4: Is teabagging spelled with one or two g's?.
5: If you like our songs lend someone your earphones when you're travelling on public transport and feel their leg as they listen.
6: These songs are 7% better if you listen to them nudey like.
7: If You Have Any Suggestions For Seven Let Us Know!
8: The Haemoglobins are currently working on a project to identify ~~~THE SMELL OF METAL!!!!~~~
This does not include a night that you went to an Emperor gig and puked on yourself in the taxi. We want to find out what exactly is the definitive metal smell.
If you have an idea for ~~~THE SMELL OF METAL!!!!~~~ we want to hear it.
Once results are recorded and analysed, the plan is to make a song about it.
9: Just cos you're finished reading, that doesn't mean you have to stop listening. Someday soon we will make a video and you can watch that, but for now...just relax.
(Maybe you could massage your own buttocks as you listen).
10: P.S. If any of our ideas offend you please don't hesitate to contact us at:
KISSY KISSY!!! Come to Dietrich.
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