Weird stuff
Weird folks
Weird jams:My tastes are eclectic. From Manson to Merle Haggard. Rob Zombie to The Bee Gees (oh bite me!). My all time favorite, Johnny Cash and being from Memphis, I'm required by law to dig the blues. I listen to Sarah Brightman when I need to chill out.
Van Halen, The original lineup. They put on a great show with alot of variety. They even did some barbershop style harmonies.
George Jones. He can make the ground vibrate with his low notes. He always looks like he's having such a blast. Then again, he is wasted. I've seen him about 4 or 5 times. Cheap Trick was pretty cool. I've seen them just as many times as I've seen George. Each time the sound was kinda muddy until I adjusted the sound by burning doobage. ---{no more. it makes me eat too much, too often)
Ozzie rocked. Only seen him once though. Iron Maidon was cool. Twisted Sister opened for them when I saw them.
1st Concert: Sonny & Cher (Bobby Sherman opened up for them)
I was just a puppy then.
The last concert I went to was Cher also, thanks to Monique. Thank ya sweetie:*The Andrews Sisters (He's the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B), Louis Armstrong, Glen Miller.
This dude is weird!
Weird flicks: You can't go wrong with spaceships, titties & chainsaws. I like Sci fi and Horror but not exclusively. I like old movies where they would fade to black before they got naked. I think sex scenes belong in porn (which is cool too but 70s porn with the funky music). Anything Cecil B Demille Directed.--- Some of my favorites: -The Planet of the Apes (the original)- -Ed Wood- -Gone with the Wind- -The Ten Commandments- -Alladin (Disney)- -The Hunchback of Notre Dame (b&w Charles Laughton)- -AI Artificial Intelligence (made me cry)(a little)- -Jeepers Creepers- -Ringu (The Ring)- -Mars Attacks-
Weird.... No, wait...oh, yep, weird TV: News, documentaries and Star Trek. Nothing else is any good since "The Andy Griffith Show". Aunt Bea rings my bell.
Weird stories written by weird writers: The Bible, Walden II, West of Eden, Red Dragon. Good Lord! Does anyone actually read this crap?
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Weird people who have done weird things or have caused weird things to happen due to their weird actions... or through their inaction if the motive for the inaction was really weird. Okay...sorry, I'm just being weird: "My heroes have always been cowboys and they still are it seems" ~ Willie Nelson